How To Germinate Tomato Seeds Faster?

If you grow your tomatoes in a favourable environment, they definitely grow faster. They should be grown in good quality soil with good amounts of nutrients and calcium, in the temperature range of 21 – 26 degree celsius and watered properly; nothing can beat them to grow faster.

They should be watered twice daily with a spray bottle, reducing the chance of over-watering your tomato seeds.

You can use artificial lighting to warm your growing seeds if placed indoors.

Tomato seeds cannot survive in cold environments and get damaged easily. We can always use the paper towel method for faster sprouting of tomato seeds. 

7 Tips To Germinate Tomato Seeds Faster

7 ways to germinate tomato faster

We can always opt for the tips and tricks below to ensure the proper growth of tomato seeds:

  • To keep your seeds moist, always use a spray bottle to water them. Due to this technique, the chances of overwatering are reduced.
  • Choose the right time for seeding your tomatoes. Please wait for the frost to be over and plant them after 6 weeks.
  • Make your homemade soil mix with Peat moss, fresh manure and decayed organic material.
  • Arrange a warm environment for your tomato seeds by placing a seedling heat mat on the seed trays.
  • Set a bright light for the seeds to sprout fast. 

Choose the Right Time

Planting your tomato seeds at the right time is really very important. Always opt to plant them before 6 weeks from frost.

The tomato seeds cannot cope with the cold climate and can germinate in warmth only. You should germinate them in house, and it normally takes 5-7 days to germinate. 

Always choose a warm location to place the seeds for germination, which would support them to survive in cold weather outside when planted. 

Make a Rich Soil Mix

Soil is very important for plant growth, and tomato plants are no exception. If you prepare the rich soil mix at your home, it would be an added advantage for tomato plants.

You can mix peat moss, fresh manure and decayed organic material together to get the rich soil mix.

With this soil mix, your plant gets enough nutrients needed for its growth and development. It is homemade and won’t harm the tomato plant if used properly.

Place a Heat Mat Beneath Seedling Trays

Keeping your tomato seeds in a warm condition can help them to germinate fast. Using a heat mat beneath seedling trays helps maintain the ideal temperature and keeps warm. 

If the seeds are planted at 21-26 degrees Celsius, they will germinate within 5-7 days, and at 10 degrees Celsius, it takes 40 days to germinate. They cannot grow below 10 degrees celsius, and the seeds can even decompose in a cold climate. 

Use a Spray Bottle to Moisten the Soil

Use a spray bottle to moisten the soil

Always use a spray bottle to water your seeds. Try to spray water twice a day.This would help the soil maintain adequate moisture and won’t let it become soggy. 

If the soil dries out, the seed’s germination is hampered, resulting in root decomposition. Always avoid overwatering your seeds, as it can also lead to root rot. 

Pot On in Stages

“Pot on in stages” means repotting your plants in bigger seedling containers. Once you see tomato leaves appearing, you should repot them in a bigger container. 

After repotting your plant for the first time, 2 leaves appear, which look like a “T” shape and are also called true leaves. 

After this stage, it is good to re-pot your plant once again after 3 weeks in a bigger container than the previous one providing your plant with enough space to grow. 

Set Up Bright Lights

grow lights for tomato plant

You can use artificial or LED lights (Grow lights) over the seedling tray. You should keep it 60 CM above the seedling tray, which helps to grow strong stems without getting too leggy. 

Always remember the seeds have nothing to do with darkness or light. But you should use artificial lights when the seedling starts sprouting. 

Gradually expose your indoor-grown tomato seedlings to increased sun and wind

After growing your tomato seedlings indoors, do not rush to expose them directly to the outer environment. They may not be able to bear the increased sun and wind. 

A transparent storage bin without leads can be used for hardening off your chambers and allowing the plant to prepare to adjust to the outer environment. 

In this way, if your plants are exposed to sun and wind, they do not fall into a stressed situation and grow healthy, which rewards you with fresh and juicy tomatoes soon after their growth. (Check our blog on how much sunlight do tomato plants need.)

Why Are Your Tomato Seeds Growing Slowly?

Why Are Your Tomato Seeds Growing Slowly

It is a well-known fact that tomato seeds cannot grow faster in cold conditions. The ideal temperature for their seeds to sprout is 21-26 degrees. 

If we take proper measures to provide them with an ideal temperature, 5-7 days are enough for germination.

However, if the soil is not moist, the seeds do not sprout, and they can even die. Moisture in the soil helps the seeds to break the hard surface and sprout easily. 

Always ensure to keep your soil moist up to 2.5 to 5 CM deep for faster germination of your tomato seeds. 

Can You Germinate Tomato Seeds in a Paper Towel?

If you have tried every possible trick to germinate your tomato seeds and yet it’s not sprouting, you should opt for the paper towel method to germinate your seeds. 

For this process, you need fresh tomato seeds or seeds less than 3 years old and a paper towel. 

  1. Fold the paper towel and gently spread all the seeds on the towel on one half of it.
  2. Put some water on it to keep the seeds moist, and fold the towel from its dry half. 
  3. Press it gently from your hands and put folded paper towel in a zip-top bag. It would germinate within 5-7 days of doing the process. 
  4. Keep checking the seeds every day to ensure that they are moist. Spray some water if not moist. For better results, you can keep the seeds below your kitchen sink.

After germination, you can plant it in soil, and you would be surprised to see the grown tomato plants. 

How Long Do Tomato Seeds Take To Germinate in Paper Towel?

Can You Germinate Tomato Seeds in a Paper Towel

Tomato seeds can take anywhere from 3 to 10 days to germinate in paper towel.

  1. Moisten the paper towel until it is damp but not dripping wet.
  2. Place the tomato seed on top of the paper towel and fold it over so that the seed is covered.
  3. Place the folded paper towel in a sealable plastic bag. The bag will help to keep the paper towel moist and warm, which is essential for germination.
  4. Place the plastic bag in a warm location, such as near a window or on top of a radiator.

Check the paper towel regularly to make sure it stays damp and watch for signs of growth.

Is it Better To Germinate Seeds in Soil or Paper Towel?

Tomato Seed Germination depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of seed and the desired outcome.

Generally, soil is recommended for long-term germination and growth, while paper towels are better suited for short-term sprouting.

When using paper towels, it’s important to keep them moist by misting them periodically.

When you grow tomato plants in soil, you can use a light and airy mix that allows for good drainage and aeration of the roots.

If using soil, it’s important to prepare it properly before planting your seeds. This includes adding nutrients, tilling the surface to ensure proper drainage, and providing adequate levels of moisture so that the seeds can germinate and thrive.

If you’re looking for a quicker and more convenient method, paper towels may be your best option.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the success of your germination will depend largely on providing the seed with the right environment and level of moisture.

How do You Make your Seeds Germinate Faster?

You can speed up tomato seeds germination if planted in fertile soil rich in nutrients and kept at an ideal temperature ranging between 21-26 degrees Celsius.

It is very important to protect your seeds from frost. The soil must be kept moist for germination, so water them twice daily. This will help tomato seeds germinate within 5-7 days. 

You can also opt for paper towels method to speed up the germination process. 

What do Tomato Seedlings Look Like?

Tomato seedlings look wiggly green or white in color. They are green in color due to chlorophyll content, which helps photosynthesis even in the absence of sunlight. They have needle-like steam that has just emerged from the seeds. 

After seeds sprout, the tomato seedling look in a “T” shape; 2 small leaves come from the seeding together and are oval and long in shape. These tiny tomato leaves are called “true Leaves”. 


If you can plant tomato seeds with proper moisture and warmth and protect them from frost, they germinate faster without interruption. After the plantation of the germinated seeds, you are rewarded with healthy and developed tomato plants, which give you juicy, red and tasty fruits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you soak tomato seeds before planting?

Soaking the tomato seeds helps to soften the hard seed coat which can speed up germination. It also helps to remove any bacteria or fungi that may be present on the seed, as well as providing a good environment for the seeds to start growing.

Does soaking seeds help germinating tomato seeds?

Soaking wet the seeds before planting will give them a head start and make it easier for them to absorb enough water to sprout. The seeds should be soaked in warm water for at least 24 hours prior to planting tomato seeds. This helps tomato seeds germinate faster by removing any substances on the seed that may inhibit the process. It can also help remove any air pockets that could prevent complete water absorption by the seed.

Jason S

Meet Jason S., the gardening expert that everyone is talking about. With more than 20 years of experience in landscaping and horticulture, Jason is passionate about helping others create beautiful outdoor spaces. From choosing the right plants to understanding best practices for caring for them, he has the skills and knowledge to help you get the most from your garden. Follow him for advice on everything from soil preparation to proper watering techniques so you can turn your green space into a vibrant oasis!

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