Can You Use Bone Meal for Tomatoes?

Most gardeners plant tomato plants easily, but sometimes they need help to grow many quality tomatoes and maintain the healthy life of the plant. Using bone meals in the right way helps to enhance the growth and fruit production of your tomato plants. It also improves the quality of fruit and the health of the plant.

In short, Yes, you can use bone meal for your tomatoes. Bone meal is an organic fertilizer that supplies phosphorus, calcium, and other trace minerals to the soil. It can be used as a top dressing for established tomato plants or worked into the soil at planting time. When using bone meal for tomatoes, remember that too much phosphorus can inhibit flowering and fruiting.

Bone meal promotes phosphorus content in tomato plants which keeps your beautiful tomato plant strong and healthy.

But using it in the right quantity and correctly only can benefit the plant. You can use one teaspoon of bone meal for a single plant. Splash the bone meal fertilizer around each plant and mix it in the soil with the help of a rake.

Guide To Using Bone Meal With Tomato Plants

tomato thrive with bone meal use

Before knowing how to use bone meal, it is interesting to know what it is. Well, it is a meal of animal bones transformed into fertilizer for plants. 

It is brought from the slaughterhouses, then cooked, sterilized, and later ground and made in a powdered form to use as an organic fertilizer for the plants. 

You can enhance phosphorus and calcium in the plants with bone meal use. Nitrogen is also increased in the soil, which is an added advantage for the leaves of the plants. The plants are boosted to grow fast, healthy, and bloom more quickly in large quantities. And the farmers are rewarded with a high number of quality tomato fruits. 

The nutrients are slowly released with bone meal which requires acidic soil to get activated. It is an added advantage for tomato plants as they can flourish well in such conditions. 

Nutrient Content in Bone Meal

The main nutrient content of the bone meal is calcium, carbon, and phosphorus. They also contain a small amount of nitrogen. 

However, it also depends on your bone meal supplier and how you use it. 

The ratio of nitrogen-phosphorus and potassium is 3-15-0.

Yes, it does not contain potassium and has a very low amount of nitrogen. Its main components, calcium, carbon, and phosphorus, enhance the growth, health, strength, quality, and quantity of fruits on tomato plants. 

Is Bone Meal Good for Tomatoes?

The main nutrient components of bone meal, calcium, and phosphorus enhance the tomato plants’ overall growth and strength. 

You can enhance the fruit production of tomato plants with phosphorus. The fruits are set to grow bigger and juicier. Phosphorus is only responsible for supplying water from the soil to the fruit. As a result, they grow juicy and beautiful.

When harvesting, using Bone Meal can result in a large number of big, juicy, and beautiful tomatoes.

The calcium content in Bone Meal makes the roots and stem extra strong since they grow heavy at the top. It also helps to prevent the Blossom End Rot in the plants.

How Can You Use Bone Meal for Your Tomato Plants?

Adding Bone Meal to the soil

Adding Bone Meal to the soil for your tomato plants is very easy. I prefer adding it to the soil before planting the tomatoes as it maximizes the nutrients exactly where the roots are grown. As a result, the plant’s health, growth, strength, and fruit production are maximized. 

Following the steps below, you can easily add Bone Meal in the soil.

  • Test the soil quality and its pH level. The pH value of soil ranges between 6.00 to 7.00 as this is only the ideal pH soil level for tomato plants. This soil is best for extracting nutrients from the Bone Meal powder. 
  • The already present nutrients can be traced while testing soil. This prevents you from putting extra nutrients in the soil by putting Bone Meal.
  • After testing the soil, now it’s your turn to plant your sprouted tomatoes. Put the Bone Meal in the dug hole, then transplant the tomatoes. 
  • You can also sprinkle it around the areas of developed plants to boost tomato production. The use of one large teaspoon of Bone Meal is enough for each plant.
  • If you plan to plant the seeds into the soil directly, sprinkle the bone meal and cover it with some extra soil. 

In this way, you can use Bone Meal for tomato plants for their enhanced growth and fruit production. You can also mix some Epsom salt with ground eggshell for better results. It increases the magnesium and calcium content in the soil, which prompts tomato plants’ health, strength, and quality fruit production. 

Unfortunately, if you have not used Bone Meal while plantation, you can use it even for your developed tomato plants like any other fertilizer, sprinkle the bone meal at the top of the soil, and then water it. It will simply penetrate the roots.

You can also use this liquid Organic Bone Meal Fertilizer without watering to fulfill the requirements of nutrients.

Do You Mix Bone Meal with Soil When Planting Tomatoes?

It is always best to put Bone Meal in the holes dug at the time of plantation. It gives the best result. 

You can add Bone Meal in the garden soil in two ways. 

Mixing in compost blend and mixing high-quality tea compost. 

This helps to penetrate the bone meal directly into the roots, which makes the roots stronger. As a result, the roots become more efficient in delivering nutrients and water to the plant. And you would be rewarded with a high-quality harvest and large quantities of tomatoes. 

But it is not limited to Bone Meals only to get nutritional benefits. You can also choose fish heads, Fish emulsion, Fish Guts, Chicken Manure or Kelp Meal to enhance the soil nutrition.

Related Article – Are Coffee Grounds Good for Tomato Plants

Can You Use Too Much Bone Meal for Tomatoes?

It is hard to add too much Bone Meal for tomato plants as they release the nutrients slowly and steadily in the soil. The microbes and nutrients in the bone meal are released steadily in the soil. Thus, nutrients are not mixed faster in the soil mix. 

Bone Meal has a rare chance of having a negative impact on your plant. Due to Slow Release, chances of excess nutrition in the soil are reduced. Thus it is safer to use than chemical fertilizers as the risk of overnutrition is more in commercialized or chemical fertilizers.

High doses of nitrogen and potassium in the soil can destroy your tomato plant. So there is a very rare chance of overnutrition in the plant when Bone Meals are used.

Can You Use Too Little Bone Meal When Planting Tomatoes?

Can You Use Too Little Bone Meal When Planting Tomatoes

Bone Meal releases very slow nutrients to the soil. If too little Bone Meal is used, essential nutrients are not delivered to the plant. The right amount of Bone meal per developed plant is 5 ml, i.e., one teaspoon per plant.

Bone Meal also releases nitrogen which is very important to maintain good leaves in tomato plants. Being a slow-release fertilizer, a minimal amount of Bone Meal can result in too low nitrogen in the plant, harming your plant’s root. 

Pay attention to the instructions of use labeled on your Bone meal, as the ideal amount can vary from brand to brand. Sometimes, it can be more or less than one tablespoon or 5 ml per plant. 

Benefits of Using Bone Meal for Tomato Plants

Your plant is benefited abundantly from the application of Bone Meals. Some of the benefits are listed below:

  • The plant can set a large number of fruits.
  • It prompts the size of the grown tomatoes.
  • Roots become stronger and more efficient in delivering the required nutrients and water to the plant.
  • Blossom End Rot chances are reduced as Bone Meal enhances calcium, and Blossom End Rot happens because of calcium deficiency.
  • It prevents root rot of the plants and promotes water drain from the soil. 

Disadvantages of Using Bone Meal

Though Bone Meal can boost the calcium and other nutrients for plants, it has certain disadvantages too, which are listed below:

  • It is not activated for soil with more than a 7.00 pH balance, as you can only activate it in slightly acidic soil.
  • While applying Bone Meal can damage your lungs and airway as you can easily inhale it.
  • The nutrients seep into the soil very slowly. Hence the results must be obtained after a while. 
  • A little mistake in the application can attract so many pests, which can harm your plant. 


Bone Meal is an excellent source of calcium and potassium with little nitrogen content for tomato plants. If used in the right way and the correct amount, it promotes a healthy, strong, and long life for your plant and also increases the yield of large size of tomatoes. Water your plant after applying Bone Meal as it helps seep the nutrients in the soil easily. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fertilize tomatoes with bone meal?

Bone meal is an excellent fertilizer for tomatoes as it provides a slow release of phosphorus and nitrogen, both essential nutrients for healthy plant growth. 

  1. Mix three tablespoons around each tomato plant into the soil to fertilize with the bone meal at planting time. 
  2. Replace one tablespoon of this mixture every three months or when watering your tomato plants
  3. For best results, it is recommended to mix the bone meal with existing soil or compost to ensure it gets mixed into the soil and isn’t left sitting on it. 
  4. You can also use a liquid fertilizer containing bone meal after plants have begun growing.

When should you not use bone meal?

You should not use the bone meal on plants that prefer more acidic soil, such as blueberries, rhododendrons, and azaleas. 

Bone meal can also damage the root systems of more delicate plants such as annuals, perennials, and vegetables. 

Over-application of bone meal can cause an imbalance in the soil’s pH, so it’s important to use it sparingly and according to package instructions. 

In addition, you should not use the bone meal for starting tomato seeds or transplanting seedlings, as its high phosphorous content can damage tender roots. 

I personally do not recommend bone meal for container-grown plants because of the difficulty in controlling the spread of nutrients.

Can you sprinkle bone meal on top of the soil?

Yes, you can sprinkle bone meal on top of the soil. However, mixing it into the top 2-3 inches of your soil is best before planting or transplanting. This helps to ensure that your plants’ roots properly absorb the nutrients.

If applying after planting or transplanting, ensure that it doesn’t come into contact with the plant’s stems or leaves. 

For potted tomatoes, you can sprinkle a tablespoon of bone meal around the base of each tomato plant before adding soil. Once you’ve added your soil mix, water it well to help activate the nutrients and prevent burning.

How do you use bone meal in potted tomato plants?

To apply it, mix 1-2 tablespoons of bone meal into each pot’s top 2 inches of soil. Water thoroughly after application to ensure the nutrients are absorbed. 

The bone meal should be applied every four to six weeks during the growing season. It is o avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to nutrient imbalances and harm your tomato plants. 

Additionally, ensure that your tomato plants receive adequate sunlight and water for optimal growth.

Can you use bone meal on seedlings?

No, using bone meal on seedlings is not recommended because its high phosphorous content can be too strong for delicate young plants. 

Instead, opting for a more balanced fertilizer such as fish emulsion or compost tea is better. These will provide the necessary nutrients for your seedlings without overwhelming them with excessive phosphorous. 

Additionally, you should ensure that you use good-quality soil and provide adequate water and light for your seedlings. Proper care is essential for healthy and vigorous seedling growth.

How much bone meal to use per plant?

You should use 5 to 10 pounds of fertilizer over every 100 square feet, or sparingly top off each planting hole with 1 to 2 tablespoons.

You can also mix it into your potting soil at ½ cup for each cubic foot. When planting directly into the ground, scratch a teaspoon of bone meal into the soil at planting time.

When transplanting seedlings to the garden, mix 1 tablespoon with the soil in each hole and work it lightly into the root zone. Use caution not to over-fertilize your plants; too much fertilizer can burn or kill them.

How To Prevent Tomato Rot: 8 Proven Ways To Fix Blossom End Rot

No gardener loves to see their tomatoes rotting. It really demotivates them to cultivate tomatoes when they get rotten tomatoes after a lot of hard work. When your tomatoes turn brown and leathery, it has started rotting and needs much care and attention.

What causes bottom rot on tomatoes? Mainly Blossom End Rot occurs due to a lack of calcium. You can prevent it by giving sufficient calcium to plants. But at the same time, you must be extra cautious about other factors.

I have covered all these points broadly in this article.

What Is Blossom-End Rot?

tomato rotting

Blossom End Rot is a situation when the plant gets calcium deficiency. This results in the breakage of the tomato’s cell walls, and rotten spots are identified in the bottom part of the fruits. The affected areas become dark brown or sometimes black. 

The blossom end rot occurs mainly at maturity or in the first tomato growing season.

Symptoms of Blossom End Rot

To avoid blossom end rot, you must identify the symptoms that leads to rotting. Here are some of the blossom end rot symptoms that you can easily identify: (1)

  • Watersoaked spot at blossom end.
  • The spot color changes from brown to black.
  • Soft rotting of fruits doesn’t occur.
  • Affected fruits ripen earlier than healthy fruits.

What Causes Tomato Blossom End Rot ?

Lack of calcium in tomato

Lack of calcium is the leading cause of Blossom End Rot. Mainly its effect is visible when tomato fruits reach maturity.

This type of rot does not happen because of any fungal infection or virus attack on the plant. So don’t even think of using pest controllers to cure this issue. 

Here are some of the reasons for Blossom End Rotting:

  • Moisture – Too little or too much- Your soil might be too dry because of excessive heat or underwatering, or it may be too wet and becomes soggy because of overwatering. Ensure to maintain the correct moisture level in the soil.
  • Too much Nitrogen- Calcium deficiency also arises with the overuse of nitrogen. Opting for fresh manure and compost is the best, and you can get a good amount of fresh and quality tomatoes.
  • Soil is too cold- Tomato is a warm-loving plant. If the soil is too cold, the roots become inefficient in delivering proper nutrients to the plant. You can use heat maps to overcome the issue.
  • Root damage due to cultivation- Avoid aggressive digging in nearby areas of tomato plants as it can cause damage to roots and adequate nutrients are not delivered to the plants. 
  •  Too high or too low Soil pHSoil pH level should be within limits, or it could be the reason for Blossom End Rot.

Are you tomatoes splitting? If yes, check our blog on “Why Do Tomatoes Split And How To Prevent This“?

How To Fix Blossom End Rot?

ways to prevent blosson rot

When you see black, spotty and brown tomatoes, you should understand that you can’t save those tomatoes. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for the affected fruit. 

But you can use my prevention and control strategy to save the rest of your tomatoes from getting affected with Blossom End Rot.

Maintain steady levels of moisture in your plants:

Maintaining a steady moisture level in the soil is very important. Using a straw helps suck the moisture from soil when it is too moist. 

You can use water cones or this Soaker Hose for steady supply of water to the plant.

Potted tomatoes mostly face lack of sufficient moistness and produce Blossom Rot. You can use REMIAWY Plant Watering Stakes for in containers tomato plants. Remiawy is a terracotta watering spikes that work through osmosis.

Use Organic Fertilizers: 

Using fresh manure and compost is always appreciated. The manure of rabbits and hamsters is rich for tomato plant growth.

I use Malibu Compost for my tomatoes, which increases my plant’s immune system and restores the soil nutrients.

Don’t Use Too much fertilizer

Too much and frequent use of fertilizers can damage your plant and reduce the garden soils nutrition. Its overutilization promotes the fast growth of the plant.

Much of the plant’s calcium is used during the growing stage, and plants go through calcium deficiency at the stage of producing fruits, ultimately Blossom End Rot appears.

Using a rich soil mix of fresh manure and compost is always best and promotes the healthy growth of your plant.

Always do a soil test before using fertilizers, and never forget to read the labeled instructions before use.

There are times when your tomato may not turn red or ripe, check our helpful gardners blog on Why do tomatoes not ripen or turn red?

Maintain soil Temperature:

Tomatoes can neither be grown in too hot nor in too cold soil. They grow healthy and fast in warm soil. The ideal soil temperature for tomatoes is 15-18 degree Celsius. You can use a soil thermometer to check soil temperature.

Heat mats are the best option to maintain warmth or increase the soil temperature. The use of red or black plastics also promotes soil heat. You can also use organic mulch in case of excessive soil temperature.

Don’t Work on Ground Close to the Plant:

Don’t dig or work around the area too close to your tomato plants. You can remove weeds gently when needed, but don’t harm your plants.

Mulching around your plant is the best way to protect them from blossom end rot.

Check Soil pH and Correct as Needed:

The ideal pH level of soil for tomato cultivation is 6.2 – 6.8. A spray of calcium helps to enhance the PH level of the soil. 

Organic mulches and compost help reduce soil’s pH level when it reaches the maximum. You can use Soil pH meters to check the pH level.

Use a Tomato Fertilizer with Calcium:

Calcium spray and antacid tablets helps enhance the soil quality, which is vital in growing good-quality tomatoes.

You can also Espoma GL6 Garden Lime Soil Amendment to meet the calcium deficiency for your plant. Always read labeled instructions before using. 

Plant Tomato Varieties That Are less Susceptible To Blossom End Rot

While growing tomatoes, it has been noticed that some varieties are more prone to Blossom End Rot, whereas others face less Blossom End Rot.

Let us look at the table for more information. 

Varieties of tomatoes with less than 10 percent Blossom End RotVarieties of tomatoes with almost 15 to 30 percent Blossom End Rot
CelebrityBig Boy
Fresh PackCastle King
Jet StarFantastic
Mountain PrideSupersonic
Pik RedSurprise
WinterWonder Boy
Copyright – GardenToolLife (Source- University of Illinois)

Can overwatering cause blossom end rot?

Overwatering and underwatering both cause danger for the plants and result in Blossom End Rotting. Limited watering helps to maintain consistent soil moisture.

Follow the above discussed tips to keep your soil sufficiently moist.

Why are my tomatoes rotting on the bottom?

Tomato plants necessitate calcium in every growing part, from the roots to their fruits. Unfortunately, a lack of calcium and water may lead to a deficiency and cause this tomato rot – also known as bottom rot.

Inadequate hydration impedes the plant’s capacity to transport its required calcium levels throughout itself.(2)


We all know that prevention is better than cure. So be careful and follow the tips discussed above when planting your tomatoes, and you will never face Blossom End Rotting. Instead, you would be rewarded with fresh, quality tomatoes.

Why Are My Tomatoes Not Ripening or Turning Red?

Many gardeners struggle to turn green tomatoes red. They feel worried about seeing their tomatoes hard and green, especially when the fatal frost starts. There may be plenty of reasons behind this problem. 

Most gardeners are not left with options other than plucking green tomatoes and bringing them indoors to let them ripen due to fear of frost. But most tomatoes rot, and if you do tomato harvest, your hard work is washed away. 

So, why won’t my tomatoes turn red? Your tomatoes may not be turning red or ripen when the temperature goes beyond 85 to 90 F. At this temperature, the ripening process slows or even stops, the pigments responsible for turning tomatoes red or pink ,lycopene and carotene, cannot be produced. Therefore, your tomatoes will remain in mature green phase.

Ideally, tomatoes should ripen within six to eight weeks of flower pollination, depending on the variety of your tomatoes. 

It may not be ripe because of unfavorable temperatures, i.e., too low or too high temperature, not choosing the right variety of your tomatoes, overgrown and stressed vines, etc. 

This article is all about what to do if your tomatoes are not ripening and how to fix this.

Why Do Tomatoes Turn Red?

red ripen tomatoes

Tomatoes are high in chlorophyll content, which is why they initially come out with green fruits. However, after their full maturity, they produce ethylene gas which helps in the ripening of tomatoes, turning them red. 

Lycopene and carotene are the pigments responsible in tomato plant for turning existing green fruit to red or pink color.

Later the chlorophyll starts dissolving and is replaced by an organic compound called lycopene which is responsible for the red or sometimes even pink color of tomatoes

The color of tomatoes may be orange, purple, or pink, depending on their varieties. 

Carotenoids play the main role in changing the color of tomatoes. For example, the Carotenoid for red tomatoes is lycopene, whereas, for yellow tomatoes, it is Lutein.

So, you might be thinking about why aren’y my tomatoes turning red? Here’s your answer!

4 Reasons Why Your Tomatoes Aren’t Ripening

green tomatoes that won't ripen

When the tomatoes don’t get an ideal environment, rarely are there chances of their ripening. When the weather’s too hot or cold, the tomato season is ending, or it may be due to the variety of tomatoes grown. 

Hot Weather: 

Though tomatoes grow in warm conditions, they can’t cope with a too much heat. So, unfortunately, they struggle to survive if they fall into a hot environment. 

Tomato plant produce Lycopene, which is the natural chemical responsible for ripening on the vine. Unfortunately, the plant becomes inefficient in producing such chemicals in extremely hot weather, and the ripening process slows significantly, and even the tomatoes won’t ripen at all. 

In this situation, either wait for the temperature to become normal or opt for preventive measures to protect the plant from the hot climate. Once the heat comes to a normal state, the tomatoes will continue to ripen again. 

Cold Weather: 

Tomatoes also do not like extremely cold temperatures, and the ripening and growing processes are impacted. The drop in temperature is the end of tomato season. 

But if the temperature is cold for just a few days, it won’t impact, and the ripening process becomes normal when the temperature comes to normal. 

A temperature up to 60 F is favorable for ripening and growing tomatoes, but the tomatoes ripening and the growing process stops together below this temperature. 

If the temperature won’t reach at least the minimum for more than two weeks, then it is time to pluck all the mature green tomatoes and let them ripen indoors. 

I use my own method to encourage tomatoes ripening process by wrapping the fruits into a newspaper or a paper bag.

End of Season: 

A fall in temperature comes with the end of the tomato season. With the falling temperatures, tomatoes stop growing and producing other fruit. Despite their maturity, the already-grown tomatoes stop growing and ripening. 

In this mature green stage, I pluck all the grown tomatoes inside and let them ripen on their own. I also prefer making pickles of unripened tomatoes as they are very delicious. 


Nature has given us varieties of tomatoes with different colors and tastes. Different varieties have different ripening processes too. 

Among all varieties, cherry tomatoes ripen faster than larger tomatoes variety. 

I have listed a few popular tomato varieties with the ripening time they take.

Tomato VarietyNumber of Days Take
Tomatoes to Ripen
Early Girl50
Bush Early Girl54
Husky Cherry Red65
Super sweet100

So identify the variety of tomatoes you have planted and wait for the right time to ripe them up. 

Similarly, there are varieties of green tomatoes, too, which never turn red and ripen. So never wait for those varieties to turn red, or they will be over-ripened. On the other hand, they taste great when eaten green.

Related Article – Treatment for Powdery Mildew on Plants: Identification, Causes, and Prevention

Why Won’t My Tomatoes Ripen On The Vine?

Temperature is the main factor for ripening tomatoes, and it also depends on the variety of tomatoes chosen for cultivation. 

The ideal temperature for tomatoes ripening is 85 degrees Fahrenheit – 50 Degrees Fahrenheit. However, tomatoes struggle to ripen up if the temperature exceeds the maximum and falls below the minimum. 

When the tomatoes are overgrown, especially during summer, they develop more leaves and flowers. So entire plant energy is wasted in producing leaves and flowers, and the tomato fruit ripening process is compromised. 

At this stage, proper and limited pruning of tomato plant is the best way to eliminate the issue. 

5 Tricks For Ripening Tomatoes On The Vine Faster

green unripen tomatoes on the vine

Is the fall about to start, and still, your tomatoes are struggling to ripen? Don’t worry; I have certain tricks to speed up your tomato ripening process. 

Cut Off The New Growth

In the season of ripening fruits, if your plant is doing new growth, go ahead and cut off the new growth to utilize your plant’s energy in ripening the tomatoes.

The plant needs the energy to develop new leaves. Instead of utilizing the plant’s energy in the further growth of leaves and stems, you can direct your plant to use the energy in the ripening of the fruit.

Trim The Flowers

Plants need at least 45-60 days to ripe tomatoes from the day of flower pollination. If the plant starts to flower at the end of the season, I opt to pluck the flowers to save energy. This process indicates the plant utilizes its power in ripening up the tomatoes. 

Pinch The Suckers

Tomato suckers are the side shoots that grow from the branch and main stream. They are known as Axil and are mostly left unattended. 

Due to this, the tomato plants turn into bushy tomato plants, sucking the plant’s energy. Therefore, pinching all the suckers from the tomato plants would be best.

Pluck Off Tiny Tomatoes

It is mesmerizing to see baby tomatoes, and it is heartbreaking to remove them before their maturity. 

But if they are grown just a few days before the beginning of frost, pluck them off. They do not have enough time to mature. Instead, the plants would use that energy to ripen the already-matured green tomatoes.

Prune Some Of The Leaves

Pruning of leaves should only be done when the plant is very healthy and has plenty of leaves on it. 

You can prune some of the leaves to help the plant focus more on fruit ripening. 

You can also find the video helpful to speed up your tomato ripening process.

What Should You Do With Green Tomatoes?

If you are fed up with trying all tips and ideas to turn your hard green tomatoes into red, don’t panic; still, there is a way. 

Just before a few days of frost, bring all your tomatoes inside. You will notice some of the tomatoes are turning red on their own.

Even ripen green tomatoes are also good to eat; I usually prefer making pickles of mature green tomatoes. They are damn delicious and very simple to prepare. 

How to Tell When Green Varieties of Tomatoes are Ripe?

We already know that raw tomatoes are green and later turn Red or pink when ripened. But there are varieties of tomatoes that are still green even after ripening, like green doctors, Cherokee Green, Green Zebra tomatoes, etc. 

You can find out whether your green tomatoes are ripe or not by noticing the following points:

  • The fruit turns soft and pulpy like red tomatoes only. Please do not wait for them to change their color; otherwise, they will get overripened. 
  • The color of green tomato turns to light green, yellow, or sometimes pink. At this stage, we can decide that the tomatoes are ripened and enjoy the delicious taste of the fruit.

Reasons For Different Colored Tomatoes

The color of tomatoes varies on so many factors. The reasons are listed below:


Scalding happens because of extreme exposure to sunlight. This results in faded, lathery tomatoes. You can notice the effect on top of the sides of the fruit. Mostly, the fruits rot due to sunscald. 

Soil Fertility problem: 

Sometimes the tomatoes are planted in soil that does not have the nutrients needed for the plant and produce unevenly colored or yellow tomatoes.

According to Cornell Cooperative Extension, “high magnesium and low potassium levels can lead to conditions like blotchy or uneven ripening or yellow shoulder disorder.”

Blossom End Rot:

Deficiency of calcium leads to Blossom End Rot which in turn hampers the produced tomatoes. Providing your tomato plants with enough calcium helps to resolve the issue. (To avoid this, check our post “8 Proven Ways To Fix Blossom End Rot“.)

Final Thoughts

Understand the variety of tomatoes you have planted, know their ripening time, and accordingly take action. If the tomatoes are not ripening within the ideal time, identify the reason for the same and patiently use the tricks discussed above. You won’t lose your matured tomatoes and can enjoy your hard-grown tomatoes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get my tomatoes to turn red?

I personally bring the potted plant inside to a warmer location to turn the unripe fruit red. You can also try uprooting the vines with mature green fruit and hanging them upside down in a cool, dry place, such as a garage or basement, until the fruit ripens and turns red.

Why is it taking so long for my tomatoes to turn red?

Lycopene and carotene are the pigments responsible for ripe tomato color. But When temperatures reach over 85°F, the plant stops producing these pigments and therefore, the ripening process slows down or stops resulting in yellowish-green or orange tomato fruit.

Why did my tomatoes never ripen?

Temperature is one of the major reason what causes ripening in tomatoes. When it falls below 50 degrees F, the growth of tomato plant slows down, so as the fruits. This vegetable requires heat in order to grow, and it will not resume growth until the weather becomes warmer

White Spots on Tomato Leaves: What They Mean and How To Prevent

Are you tomato growers and you are seeing white spots on the leaves? Healthy tomato leaves are Pale Green to Dark Green and look glossy. But what if your tomato leaves look yellow, brown or purple? I have often seen white spots on my tomato plant leaves. This is the symptom which alarms that tomato leaves are not healthy and they need immediate treatment. 

So, what causes white spots on tomato leaves? In short, the white spots on tomato leaves or stems are due to fungal diseases; if you don’t prevent this, your tomato leaves will turn yellow and then brown. Powdery mildew, Sun Scalding and Late Blight are the common causes of white spots in tomatoes.

Proper care and ideal growing conditions never let this situation arise. However, you already have infected plants, do not worry; I have explained certain ways to deal with it. 

Always choose a variety of tomatoes which are less prone to get infected, prune the infected leaves, maintain proper spacing while planting the tomatoes etc. 

In this article, I briefly discuss the causes and effects of white spots on tomato plants. If you want to prevent white spots on tomato plants, keep reading!

Why Do You See White Spots on Your Tomato Plants?

Mainly there are three main reasons for white spots on the tomato plants. You must know what causes these white spots to prevent this from happening again.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery Mildew fungal disease

Powdery mildew is an unavoidable tomato plant disease commonly seen in tomato plant leaves, and different fungi are responsible for the cause of the disease. 

Moist and dark places attract these fungi. When it is highly humid, with insufficient sunlight exposure and bad air flow facility, these fungi are attracted towards the tomato plants, resulting in Powdery Mildew fungal disease. 

It can be identified in powdery white color form and initially catches the underneath leaves of tomato plants which is very hard to trace initially. New leaves are the first to get affected by the disease, and it gradually spreads to buds and fruits. Newly fertilized plants are more prone to get infected due to the disease.

Though the fungus won’t destroy the plant, it harshly impacts fruit production, and the taste of tomato is also impacted because of insufficient photosynthesis. It also weakens the plants, and plants are more prone to other diseases. Gradually the leaves turn yellow as the plant starts losing its cells. 

It is important to keep an eye on the plant to track if you own tomato plants are going through any disease. Take immediate action if you discover the symptoms of Powdery Mildew, as early diagnosis can easily save your plant.  
You can also treat Powdery Mildew by using Neem oil, as it acts like an organic pesticide without any side effects. 

Commercial and Bio Fungicides can also be safely used to treat your plant. 

Pruning of affected leaves is also a good option. Repeat the process weekly until your plant is free from such disease. 

How To Prevent Powdery Mildew?

You can take various measures to prevent Powdery Mildew easily and rapidly. Please check out the points below.

  1. Proper spacing: Powdery Mildew happens because of bad airflow facility. Try maintaining 18 – 24 inches spacing for adequate air circulation through the tomato plant leaves. Dense plantations of tomato plants encourage powdery mildew. (Check can you plant two tomato plants together)
  2. Exposure to sunlight: Powdery Mildew happens when the plants do not get enough sunlight and face darkness most. Ensure your plants receive 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily to avoid the disease. 
  3. Pruning: Pruning is one of the best options to decrease the risk of Powdery Mildew, as pruning helps to improve air circulation. But never forget that over-pruning can easily destroy the plant. Only when the leaves are overgrown pruning methods are applied. Always ensure to sanitize your pruning tool before and after use. 
  4. Choosing the right species of tomatoes: Always opt for the varieties which are more resistant to Powdery Mildew. I prefer planting ‘Geronimo’, ‘Imperial 643’, ‘Massada’ and ‘Panzer’ as they are more resistant to powdery mildew disease and the right variety. 
  5. Avoid using Powdery Mildew infected plant compost. It may leave a negative impact on the plants, dispose of them.
  6. Use of fertilizer in the right amount: Keep the habit of using the fertilizer in the right amount, enhancing the health and growth of your tomato plant. Avoid over-fertilizing your plant, as it increases the number of new leaves, which are more prone to get infected due to the disease.
  7. Prevention is better than cure. So keep a habit of using sulfur dust or bio fungicides every week.

Sun Scalding (Insufficient or Too Much Exposure To Sunlight)

Too Much Exposure To Sunlight

Sunlight is important for food and the growth of plants, but anything more than a limit is a matter of concern. 

When tomato plants get more than the ideal amount of sunlight, they have to go through sun scald, which turns their leaf white spotted and damaged. This can happen when you expose them directly to the sun and the outside world when transplanting your greenhouse plant and indoor plants. So avoid rushing the hardening of your tomato plants too early. 

The affected tomato plants leaves turn yellow, dry out and again brown and shade from the plants, resulting in damaged and unhealthy tomato plants. 

How To Prevent Sun Scalding?

  1. While hardening off your tomato plants, arrange a comfortable environment for them for at least 7-10 days.
    • Keep the plant outside in the shade for only a few hours on the first day. Then expose the plants to direct sunlight slowly and gradually.
    • On the 10th day, keep the plant outside at night when the temperature is more than about 50F.
    • If your plant can survive in such a situation, it is ready for an outside environment.
    • If the condition is not yet up to the mark, stretch the process for a few more days.  
  2. If you have already exposed your plant to the sun, arrange for shade with the help of clothes to prevent them from sun scalding. Over time, you can increase their exposure to sunlight. 

Late Blight

Late Blight disease in tomato

Late Blight is a disease which may destroy your tomato plant’s leaf. White fungal spots are visible on the infected leaves. It also spreads to the branches of tomato plants, and plants produce very bad quality, brown spotted tomatoes. 

The disease is mainly spread by phytophthora infestans, which spreads all over the plant and is enough to kill the plants in 2-3 days. It is better not to use them in compost; rather, disposing off is the only best option as it can ruin your garden. 

You need to actively take care of your plant, especially in summer, autumn and wet weather, as Late Blight only spreads more during these times. 

Infected leaves will have pale green spots that become brown and sometimes black. Brown spots with white fungus develop in Green tomatoes too. 

How To Prevent Late Blight?

You can take care of late Blight in the following ways:

  • Applying copper fungicide or bio fungicide every week helps reduce Late Blight, and your plant can eliminate the disease.
  • Potato and tomato plants come from the same nightshade family. They require the same type of soil and nutrients to grow and are susceptible to the same kind of viruses and diseases. Planting them in the same place makes the plants compete for nutrients, leaving both plants unhealthy and getting Late Blight. So I never chose to grow both plants in the same place.
  • As Late Blight is a very dangerous disease which destroys plants, always follow USA Blight to check the outbreak of the disease in the whole country. In this way, you would easily identify if the disease is spread in your area and take preventive measures to save the life of your tomato plants. 

Other Reasons For White Spots on Tomato Plants?

Apart from Powdery mildew, Sun Scalding and Late Blight, I have found some more reasons that can cause this problem.

Poor Air Circulation

Poor Air circulation is one of the reasons that can bring white spots or even powdery mildew to your tomato leaves. 

You can prevent this by pruning your tomato plant and encouraging growth. Pruning improves air circulation; therefore, you only need to remove the leaves with white specks. 

Tomato Psyllids

Tomato Psyllids are whitish or yellowish plant lice which are too small to be identified. They are just 0.12 inches or 3 MM.

They damage the plant by injecting a toxin while feeding on the leaves, which results in leaf curling and makes the plant inefficient in producing fruits and produces white spots on the plants.


We are often tricked into recognizing the presence of whiteflies as they look like white spots when present in large numbers on the leaves.

They live underneath the leaves, which leads to the curling of leaves and later, the leaves are totally destroyed.

Spider Mites

According to Kansas State University Horticulturist, spider Mites create more problems for tomato plants. They create a white web which looks like white fungus.

“The tiny insects feed on the underside of the plant leaves and suck the juices out of the plant, causing the leaves to turn yellow and ultimately die,” said Rebecca McMahon, Kansas State University Research and Extension horticulture agent in Sedgwick County, Kan. 

How Do You Treat White Spots on Tomato Plants?

It is tough but not impossible to get rid of white spots on tomato plants. Be proactive in taking care of your tomato plants, so they never catch any disease. 

But if they are already infected, please follow the steps below, as they were helpful and successful for my infected tomato plants. I am sure it would also benefit you. 

Remove the damaged leaves:

It is very hard to get back the infected leaves of tomato plants. So the best option is to remove the damaged leaves by pruning.

I use this Pruning Garden Clipper, which gives the best result. Please keep the following points noted for removing the damaged leaves:

  • Avoid clipping the less damaged leaves.
  • Thoroughly clean your pruning clipper before using it.
  • Don’t forget to disinfect your clipper with alcohol or bleach each time after completing the pruning process.
  • Dispose of the plant’s waste and do not use it as compost as they are already infected and cause health issues and fungal spores in your new or existing tomato plants if used as compost.

Spritz your tomato plants with Neem Oil

neem oil spary

You can treat white spots on tomato plants by spraying Neem Oil on the plant. Neem has antiseptic properties, which are enough to kill insects, germs and pests and hence used to treat white spots on tomato plants too. 

Certain points to be remembered before its spritz on your infected tomato plants:

  • Strictly avoid using neem oil during day time and exposure to sunlight. There are high chances of getting other leaves damaged.
  • You can only use it in the evening. Spread the oil all over the tomato plant and beneath the leaves to get rid of the white spots issue.
  • In the absence of ready-to-use neem oil, you can mix neem leaf powder with water and apply it to the plant. This also helps recover the tomato plant spot issues and acts as an organic pest controller. 

Monitor Your Tomato Plant

After the treatment, monitoring your plant’s health is very important, as it helps us understand whether the treatment was effective or not.

Due to Neem’s antiseptic properties, it acts as an organic pesticide and fungicide. It helps the tomato plant to get rid of spots soon. Regularly monitor the plant to see any increase in white spots and insects.

If you notice any growth in fungus and insects, repeat the process after a week and continue this process until the issue gets resolved. You could get your precious tomato plants back in healthy and disease-free condition. 


Though white spot on tomato plants is a serious issue, if the proper measures are taken, you can get rid of the disease. Try to identify the problem at the initial stage, and it will be easy for you to save your plant from diseases.

If you always look closely and keep an eye on your tomato plants, you will never face the problem of disease, and at the same time, plants reward you with many quality fruits. 

Frequently Asked Questions about White spots on tomato leaves

How to treat light spots on tomato leaves?

You can follow the below steps to treat light spots on tomato leaves. (1)

  1. Pluck the leaves that has spots and put them into compost pile.
  2. Remove all the leaves that has catched disease.
  3. It is recommended not to remove more than one third of the plant leaves.
  4. Always try to keep the leaves dry to prevent spreading of the disease.

Do white spots on Tomato leaves mean the plant will die?

When you see white spots on your tomato plant leaves, it doesn’t mean that the plant will die. Mostly the spots apeear due to sun scalding, when they are exposed to intense sunlight, they begin to turn white.

Are white-spotted tomato safe to consume?

The white spot on your tomato fruit is caused due to stink bugs, the fruit remains safe to consume. But, when you pick these fruits, they spoil fasted as compared to fruits with no spots.

Can I eat cherry tomatoes with white spots?

When you remove the skin, you see a exposed a spongy fibrous tissue that is white (sometimes yellow). According to researchers at Auburn University, it is possible to cut out any affected areas and still use the rest of the fruit for fresh consumption or canning.”

Why Do Tomatoes Rot on The Vine?

If you plant tomatoes in bad quality with high nitrogen contained soil, it can lead to tomatoes rotting. As a result, roots become inefficient in supplying adequate nutrients and water to the plant. The most common reason for tomatoes rotting is overwatering, which worsens if its soil has a bad drainage system. 

Sometimes people use harsh techniques to increase the production of tomatoes, which deteriorates the soil quality, and loses soil nutrients faster.

4 Reasons Why Tomatoes Rot on the Vine

tomatoes rotting on the plant

I have found 4 reasons for tomatoes to rot, and if you take proper measures, you can save tomatoes from rotting. 

Let’s discuss the common reasons for tomatoes rot. 

Too Much Moisture in the Soil

Moisture in the soil is needed only up to a certain extent for proper growth and the long life of tomato plants

But if the soil remains overly moist, it becomes one of the biggest reasons for tomatoes to rot. It happens when tomatoes are overwatered and have to face a rainy season. 

Soil is not able to absorb moisture due to a lack of sunlight, and a bad drainage system results in tomato root decomposition

You should take the following measures to prevent your tomatoes from rotting:

  • Ensure a good drainage system of the soil.
  • Check the level of moisture in the soil by sticking your finger. If the soil is dry up to 5 Cm, it is the right time to water your tomato plants
  • Try to plant your tomatoes with good exposure to sunlight.
  • Reduce the frequency of watering your tomato plants during rainy weather. 

Poor Soil Quality

bad soil quality

We often plant our tomatoes without knowing the soil quality and cultivate them in poor-quality soil, making them rot. 

The soil, which does not have good nutritional value and lacks calcium, would destroy the life of your tomato plants, and rot happens. 

On the other hand, high doses of nitrogen fertilizers promote tomato rotting as the roots cannot deliver calcium to the plant and blossom end rot occurs. 

The following measures should be taken to prevent blossom end rot:

  • Soil rich in phosphorus and low contained in nitrogen should have opted for tomato plant cultivation.
  • Use the fertilizer with 2 parts of phosphorus and 1 part of nitrogen for healthy tomatoes.
  • The right amount of nitrogen use helps the roots deliver adequate calcium for the plants, protecting them from rotting.

Aggressive Weeding

Aggressively weeding in your tomato plants can worsen the condition of your tomato plants, and rotting happens. In addition, due to this process, the roots of the plants are negatively impacted as they have a very critical root system. 

When roots weaken, they become inefficient enough to deliver nutrients and water to the plant, and the plant dies.

You should do 3 – 4 inches of mulching to overcome this issue, which also helps maintain the right amount of moisture in the soil.

Rapid Growth

Rapid tomato plant Growth

Sometimes, in the greed of the rapid growth of tomatoes, harsh and too much fertilizer is used, which rapidly reduces the nutrients and calcium of soil and results in the rot of tomatoes in vines.

 Due to a lack of calcium in the soil, plants cannot produce fruits, and even bad-quality rotten tomatoes are formed in your plants. 

So you should always wait for your tomatoes to grow on their own. Keep good exposure to sunlight, water them properly, and your good tomatoes grow quickly. 

What is The Most Common Type of Tomato Rot?

The most common tomato rot noticed in tomato plants is blossom end rot. You can see some spots in the bottom of the tomato, and slowly the spots spread to the whole fruit and taste mushy, watering and rotten.

It is almost impossible to overcome tomato rot. So you should take proper measures to avoid such conditions.

If you are curious to find out and prevent tomato diseases, check our article on Treatment for Powdery Mildew on Plants.

How To Prevent Tomatoes From Rotting On The Vine?

techniques to prevent tomatoes rot

You can use the techniques I use to prevent rotting and easily save your ripe tomatoes from rotting. 

  • Using good quality soil with less nitrogen and phosphorus promotes a healthy life for tomatoes. 
  • An accurate and consistent soil moisture level, a good drainage system, and proper watering promote the life of tomatoes. 
  • Good exposure to sunlight is an important factor for your tomato plants
  • Using Fertilizer with 2 parts of phosphorus and 1 part of nitrogen prevents the tomatoes from rotting. Less use of nitrogen fertilizer is healthy for the plant.
  • The use of mulch prevents the weeding of tomato plants, and keeping the soil moist is an added advantage. 
  • You should use fertilizers before the growth of green tomatoes.
  • Ensure using fertilizers once in 2 weeks only. 

If you opt for the above measures, your tomato plants will grow rapidly and produce quality tomatoes.

Why Are My Tomatoes Rotting on The Vine?

If your tomatoes are not getting favourable conditions, it starts rotting on the VineVine. The reasons are listed below:

  • Overwatering the tomatoes is a common factor in rotting and causes bottom-end rot.
  • The use of excessive fertilizers that are rich in nitrogen rots the tomato plants. 
  • Cultivated in bad quality soil lacking nutrients, plants cannot get sufficient calcium supply, and rotting happens.
  • Aggressive weeding leads to rotting in tomato roots as they are delicate and harmed.
  • Forcing rapid growth of tomatoes with excessive use of fertilizers. Due to this, soil loses its nutrients rapidly and results in rotten tomatoes.

Why are my tomatoes mushy on the vine?

It is probably caused by nitrogen being overly high and potassium a bit below zero. Nitrogen must have an average concentration of 45% to 5.7% in leaf tissues.

As per research of Mississippi State University, tomatoes becomes mushy on the vine due to high nitrogen and low potassium in tomato plant. The average amount of required nitrogen that a plant requires is 4% to 5.5% in leaf tissue.

High nitrogen is tomato also leads to curling in leaves, missed flower clusters and balling up of the plant’s top.

Can overwatering cause blossom end rot?

According to the research done by Iowa State University, Blossom Rot occurs when the developing fruit have calcium deficiency.

Some of the reasons that can lead to blosson end rot are fluctuation in soil moisture due to overwatering or drought, use of high nitrogen fertilizer, and root pruning during cultivation.


When growing tomatoes, you should try your best to protect the rotting in tomatoes by watering them properly, cultivating them in good soil and maintaining correct moisture levels in the soil. Your plants become efficient in producing quality tomatoes. 

Do Tomato Plants Need Full Sun To Grow?

Exposure to sunlight to plants gives them good energy to grow. For example, tomatoes are plants which grow double in size in less than two weeks. For this, they require an abandoned amount of energy which they easily get from the sunlight, water and soil.

Of course, it is damn good if they get full sunlight, but tomatoes grow well, even in shades and adverse conditions.

So, how many hours of sunlight do tomatoes need? In short, the perfect average tomato plant sunlight requirement is eight hours but tomato plants require at least six hours of direct sunlight to produce enough fruits.

This article has covered many tips and ideas to help you grow your tomatoes even in partial sun or shade.

Different Types of Sunlight and Their Effects on Tomato Plants

sunlight requirement for tomato plant

Plants cannot grow without sunlight, but the question is how much sunlight is enough for the growth of plants.

  • Full Sun
  • Partial Sun
  • Partial Shade
  • Full shade.

The ideal sunlight required for proper growth and tomato plants is 8 to 10 hours of daily sunlight. If the plants do not get enough sunlight, it may adversely affect their growth and development. 

Let us discuss the type of sunlights one by one.

Full Sun

Tomato plants are sun loving plants and grow tremendously faster in Full Sunlight. Full sun area is only possible in open areas with fewer trees, plants or buildings. 

If plants are grown in such areas, the chances of getting shade are very low, and they can enjoy full exposure to sunlight from morning till evening.

Therefore, tomato plants are said to be “Full Sun” plants and grow well with proper sunlight exposure. 

Partial Sun

There is a hairline difference between the partial sun and partial shade. Therefore, partial sun is ideal for plants which require partial shadow and partial sunlight. 

For example, if tomatoes are grown in a partial sun location, they would grow fine, but the plant could not grow as much as it could have. 

Partial shade: 

Partial shade plants are totally opposite of partial sun plants. Due to this reason, partial shade plants are more sensitive to heat and cannot bear the heat of sunlight in the afternoon. So they love to be in the shade during the afternoon. 

However, if tomatoes are grown in these areas, they never get 6 to 8 hours of sunlight, so they do not grow strong and cannot produce enough fruit. 

Full shade: 

Full-shade plants require less sunlight and thrive on the spot. They grow well when indirect light or less sunlight for a maximum of 3 hours is received. These types of plants are often found under evergreens and forests. 

Tomatoes are suitable to grow in warm conditions. However, they struggle for healthy growth in full-shade sunlight as the plant does not get enough warmth.

As a result, they do not get adequate energy to produce fruit, and their quality is also compromised.

Furthermore, due to a lack of energy, plants do not get enough nutrients, preventing them from living long. 

How Much Sun Do Tomatoes Need?

Tomato plants love to be in warm conditions, and they do not have anything better than sunlight to get warm. Of course, they need a minimum of 6 hours of daily exposure to sunlight. 

But if they get at least eight hours of sunlight or even more than that, then it is a blessing for the tomato plant. In this condition, they grow tremendously and produce many quality tomatoes.

More exposure to sunlight is a boon for tomato plants and can enhance their growth. However, it is not necessary to provide continuous hours of sunlight to tomato plants. 

For example, if your tomato plants get some of the morning and some afternoon sunlight, the overall sun exposure should be a minimum of 6 hours for their proper growth.  

What Happens If Tomatoes Don’t Get Enough Sun?

tomato plant in direct sunlight

Sun is one of the most important factors for the healthy growth of tomato plants. If they do not get proper sun exposure, you can notice slow growth. They produce less and bad quality tomatoes. 

Due to lack of sunlight, they grow taller to get sunlight, and the stem and foliage become paler. These plants are more prone to disease and fungal infection as they get damp due to less exposure to sunlight. 

In this situation, you should provide the tomatoes with good airflow to overcome the problem.

If you cannot provide even 6 hours of sunlight to your tomato plants. In that case, you can use a rich soil mix, ensure proper drainage of the soil, give proper watering and maintain an adequate amount of soil moisture for proper growth and development of your tomato plants. This way, you would also be rewarded with enough good-quality tomato fruits. 

Can Tomatoes Grow in Indirect Sunlight?

It is a known fact that tomatoes grow best in direct exposure to sunlight. But what if we are not able to provide them with direct sunlight? Are they able to grow and produce quality fruits in indirect sunlight?

It depends on the sunlight quality and how much overall sunlight is provided to the plant. They grow well in bright sunlight and light shade sunlight. It is very hard for them to grow in heavy shades. 

Tomatoes grown on the north side of houses or buildings or in dense areas must fight to get enough sunlight. But you can also notice tomatoes grown in indirect sunlight produce fewer fruits and slow growth. 

Some of the tomato varieties, like cherry tomatoes, also do well in indirect sunlight. But, apart from this, other tomato plants varieties grow amazingly and produce enough quality fruits even in indirect sunlight. 

Can You Grow Tomatoes in Shade?

tomatoes in partial shade

Sunlight is the main factor for the better growth of tomatoes, but they can also be grown in the shade. Yes, you face many challenges while growing tomatoes in the shade, but it is not impossible. 

We need at least dappled shade for growing tomatoes. If you cannot provide enough sunlight to your tomatoes, choose the varieties that are tolerant to shade. 

However, we cannot deny the fact that tomatoes grown in shades grow taller and leggy and produce less yield than normal tomato plants. In addition, it is very challenging to bring your tomato plant to a flowering stage when grown in shades.  

So, you need to ensure certain points while growing tomatoes in the shade.

  • Due to less sunlight, the chances of soggy soil are more. Due to this, your plant gets various diseases and fungi. The use of trellises is recommended to overcome this situation. 
  • Special care should be taken while watering your tomato plants. Ensure that the lower stem and leaves do not get wet. This helps to keep your plant healthy. 
  • Ensure proper soil drainage as the soil gets soggy due to a lack of direct sunlight.

Sunlight is needed for tomatoes’ growing and flowering stages; however, they do not require sunlight to ripen the tomatoes. They easily ripe when given proper heat and ethylene gas. 

Can Tomato Plants Get Too Much Sun?

It is a known fact that tomatoes grow well in full sun. But what if the tomatoes get too much sun? I have seen that the tissues of tomato plants start getting damaged due to excessive heat produced by the sun.

In this situation, the possibility of sunscald and curling leaves comes up, which is an alarming sign of damage to tomato plants. 

This results in discoloration in tomato plants, and grey-white and yellow patches are noticed in tomatoes. This area attracts pests, and it brutally damages the plant. 

Some important points to notice:

  • Too much sun damages the plant tissues and causes susclad.
  • Discoloration like grey-white and yellow patches are developed, which opens doors for pests and fungal diseases which damage the tomato plants.
  • In this situation, try to keep your plant as healthy as possible by watering your plant and keeping the soil moist enough.
  • Try to create a physical barrier to provide shade to your tomato plants. You can use clothes and a screen to protect your fruit and plant.
  • It is advisable to pluck the affected fruits and let them ripen indoors and cut the sunscald-affected area from the plant. It helps not to spread this to the plant.
  • Be proactive in protecting your plant if you expect any heat wave, which helps to keep your plant healthy and growing properly.

How Much Sunlight Do Tomatoes Need?

The ideal exposure to sunlight for tomato plants is 6 hours. It is an added advantage if they get 8 to 10 hours of direct sunlight. In this situation, the chances of getting fungus and disease are very less. 

But in any way, if you cannot provide adequate sunlight to your plant, it can do better. 

Tomatoes can be grown in shades too, but you should avoid irregular watering, prepare a rich soil mix, choose fertile soil and create a good drainage facility for the soil to grow your tomatoes even without enough sunlight. 

Thus, it is difficult to grow your plant in the shade, but if other factors are taken care of properly, it is not impossible to grow them in the shade too. 

Morning or Afternoon Sun: Which Is Better?

Whether morning sun or afternoon sun is good for the plant? It always depends on the climatic conditions and the growing season where your tomatoes are planted.

Morning sunlight is mild, which produces less heat and is best fit for tomatoes grown in hot climates. In this situation, plants do not become victims of excessive heat and benefit from high-intensity morning light. 

Afternoon sun produces more heat which is suitable for tomatoes grown in hot climates. 

Noon sunlight is as bright as morning sunlight and hotter than afternoon. This sunlight produces a lot of heat, which is dangerous for tomato plants in hot regions. 

This sunlight damages the plants in hot climates and may cause sunscald. In addition, you can create some physical barriers by using clothes and screens to protect your plant from this situation.  

If you have planted tomatoes in a cold climate, it is best to provide them both morning and afternoon sunlight. However, you should always avoid afternoon sunlight for plants grown in a hot climate. 

Light Requirements For Tomatoes To Ripen

ripe tomatoes

The thumb rule is that minimum sunlight required for healthy growth of tomato plants is 6 hours, and the maximum requirement is 8 to 10 hours.

The more sunlight your tomato plants get, the more they grow. The sunlight benefits the plant to get enough energy, which helps you grow high-quality fruits.

But the question arises do tomatoes require light to ripen? You would be surprised to know that sunlight does not play any role in ripening tomatoes. It is the heat and ethylene gas which helps to ripen up the tomatoes. 

General Tips For Growing Tomatoes

There are different types of tomato plants, and the nature of their growth is also different. Some take less time to grow, and some need more time for proper development. So it is important to provide them with favorable conditions to grow according to their climatic conditions as it is planted in both hot and cold climates. 

It is more likely to be damaged if faced with frost, as they love warm conditions to grow. So in cold climates, you should do planting at the start of summer or late spring. 

Tomato plant requires much care and every factor needed for their cultivation and growth needs to be taken care of diligently. 

So here are some tips and tricks which can enhance your tomato plant growth and produce more quality fruits:

  • You should take special care of spacing during the seedling stage. Overcrowding leads to compromise the growth and development of your tomato plants. 
  • As tomato plants love to grow in warm conditions, cover the soil with red and black plastic. It helps keep your soil warm, supporting better plant growth.
  • Tomato plants can also develop roots from stems, which helps deliver nutrients and water to plants more efficiently. So bury the stem of the plant while planting. 
  • Keep the habit of removing the bottom leaves of the plant when it reaches 3 feet high. It helps the plant to be away from disease and the good health of the plant is also maintained. 
  • Water the plant adequately. Always water your plant in the proper amount. Understand the climatic condition and situation of the plant while watering them.
  • Arrange for a good drainage system of the soil. It prevents blossom end rot

Summary – Do Tomatoes Need Full Sun?

The sunlight that tomato plants receive can greatly impact their growth and development. When grown in full sun, tomatoes typically produce the most fruit and vibrant foliage. However, it is important to ensure they are properly watered and protected from the intense midday sun to prevent wilting and sunscald.

Tomatoes grown in partial sun or shade will generally have more moderate growth and may not produce as much fruit as those grown in full sun. Finally, tomatoes grown in full shade will have the least growth and may not produce any fruit.


  1. Growing Vegetables: Tomatoes by Becky Sideman, UNH Cooperative Extension Professor & Specialist
  2. Growing tomatoes in home gardens by Cindy Tong, Extension horticulturist; Marissa Schuh, integrated pest management Extension educator; and Jill MacKenzie, University of Minnesota Extension
  3. Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden by Gary Gao, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Ohio State University

Can You Overwater Tomato Plants?

It is more likely to get the best result if things are done within a limit. In the same way, if tomato plants are watered in adequate amounts, they grow healthy and produce the best quality fruits too. Leaves of overwatered tomato plants look yellow in color. 

So, can you overwater a tomato plant? If the tomato plants are overwatered, the chances of root decomposition increase, and the whole plant can get affected. As a result of which, it may die. Also, the immature tomatoes are damaged, and cracks are also noticed. The overwatered tomato plants produce bad-quality fruits, tasting watery and mushy. 

It is always recommended to water tomato plants up to 5 centimeters weekly. It would help maintain the soil’s required moisture and enough to keep the plants hydrated.

It is obvious that you need to be extra cautious during the rainy season, and frequent watering should be avoided. 

What Are The Signs of Overwatering Tomato Plants?

You can notice 5 different signs in your tomato plants, if they are overwatered. 

  • Yellow leaves
  • Cracked tomatoes
  • Blossom end rot
  • Watery or mushy taste
  • Root rot

If you notice the symptoms mentioned above, you need to rectify your watering habits for tomato plants, or you will have bad-quality tomatoes. It may also lead to the death of your precious tomato plants, and all your hard work behind it may be wasted. 

Let us discuss these points one by one:

Yellow Leaves: 

overwatered tomato yellow leaves

We all know that green leaves are healthy for all types of plants and tomato plants are not an exception. So if you notice yellow leaves in your tomato plant, something is definitely wrong going on with your plant. 

Yellow leaves are seen if your plant is overwatered. In this situation, your plant won’t breathe due to a lack of oxygen and nitrogen, it starts suffocating, and roots won’t be able to deliver adequate nutrients to the plant due to excessively wet soil. 

If the soil does not have a good drainage system, the roots are soaked in the water, and decomposition begins. 

Thus, always check the soil’s moisture level before watering by dipping your finger in it. If the soil is dry up to 5 centimeters, it’s a good time to water your tomato plant; if it is still wet, you should wait to water it. 

Cracks on Tomato Fruit:

cracks on tomato
cracked tomatoes

If your tomato plant is overwatered, cracks in already-produced fruits happen due to the sudden inflow of water in tomato plants. 

When the fruit’s skin is cracked, the flesh of tomatoes expands faster than its skin. 

If the skin of green tomatoes is cracked, the chances of fruit rotting are more. Overwatering can also increase the risk of disease and pest infection. 

Blossom-End Rot: 

Blossom-end rot happens due to calcium deficiency, happens due to overwatering tomato plants, and its roots are soaked in water. 

As a result, roots become incapable of delivering nutrients to the plants, and calcium is also not reached. This issue does not resolve even after adding calcium-rich fertilizers. 

Due to calcium deficiency, the bottom part of the steam looks dark brown or black and mushy, inviting fungus and bacteria, which is enough to destroy your hard-growing tomato plants.

Watery or Mushy Taste: 

Tomatoes are well known for their tangy sweet flavor, but over-watering results in their bad taste. 

Overwatering causes the flavor of tomatoes to become watery and mushy. 

As we have already discussed, the roots are soaked in water due to overwatering and become inefficient in delivering proper nutrients to the plant. Due to improper nutrients, the tomatoes can’t generate their original taste. 

Root Rot:

tomato rot root

When roots are soaked in the water, this often causes root decomposition. It is the root that delivers nutrients and hydration to the whole plant. In such a scenario, roots cannot deliver nutrients and water to the plant, which destroys the whole plant. 

As soon as you identify root rotting, you should replant your tomato plant in well draining soil. 

So, do not water your plant too frequently; rather, manage the frequency of watering it.

How Often Should Tomato Plants Be Watered?

It is always advised to check the soil moisture level before watering the tomato plants. If the soil is dried up to 5 centimeters, it is a good time to water them. You can check soil moisture by dipping your finger inside the soil surface.

In the seedling stage, the water intake is needed a little more than the grown-up plant because the small roots cannot absorb adequate water from the soil. So they need frequent watering before they develop taproots. 

The taproots are generated after 30 days of the tomato seedlings. After this stage, you should reduce the watering frequency to once a week. The frequency of watering is also dependent on the local climate. 

Like in the rainy season, less watering is needed, whereas more frequent watering is needed in hot climates. 

How Wet Should The Soil Be For Tomato Plants?

soil moisture for tomato plant

A good drainage system of soil is much needed for tomato plants’ healthy and long life. The upper surface of the soil should be 2.5 CM to 5 CM wet. It should never be moister than this level. 

In this condition, the plant’s root properly delivers sufficient water and nutrients to the plant. 

Ensure proper water penetration for the tomato plant if grown in clayey soil; otherwise, the drainage system of the soil will be disturbed. 

  • Your tomato plants’ soil should be dampened to the perfect level – not too dry and not overly soaked.
  • When watering your plants, avoid forming puddles, as this can prevent necessary nutrients from reaching the roots.
  • Construct your custom soil blend to optimize the growth potential of your plants by mixing together compost, potting soil, and perlite.

How Do You Know If Tomatoes Are Overwatered?

How Do You Know If Tomatoes Are Overwatered

Various symptoms indicate that your tomato plants are overwatered.

  • Yellow leaves are one of the most common signs of over-watered tomato plants. This indicates that your plant lacks oxygen and nitrogen.
  • Cracks on tomatoes are also common signs of overwatered tomato plants. It leads to the rotting of tomatoes and destroys them. 
  • Root rot is the last and most dangerous sign of overwatered tomato plants. It totally destroys the plant. 
  • The bad and watery taste of tomatoes is also a sign of an overwatered plant. 
  • Watering your tomato plants is always recommended if the soil’s upper surface is dry up to 5 centimeters. 

How To Save An Overwatered Tomato Plant?

If you have already traced that your tomato plants are overwatered, you can save your plant depending on the level of damage caused. (1)

  • You should avoid frequent watering, and time should be allowed for the plant to recover itself. 
  • Only water your tomato plant if the upper surface of your soil is dried up to 2.5 to 5 CM. 
  • Ensure a good drainage system of the soil, and if planted in clay soil, you should take care of the process of water penetration.
  • Yellow leaves, if any, should be cut off, which would help the plant to overcome the stress of being overwatered.
  • You should carefully remove the plant from the soil and cut off the rotten roots. The rotten roots should look dark brown and black. Healthy roots look white in color.
  • Replant your tomato plants in fresh soil.


Always check the moisture content in the soil before watering the tomato plant. Ensure correct watering techniques; you will always be amazed to have red, fresh, juicy, and tangy tomatoes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the signs of over watering tomato plants?

The most common signs of overwatering tomato plants are wilting, yellowing or discolored leaves, and stunted growth.

Other symptoms may include blossom end rot, leaf curl, leaf spotting, and root rot. Wilting or drooping may be caused by either too much or too little water; however wilting due to overwatering is usually accompanied by yellowing or discolored leaves.

Can an overwatered tomato plant be saved?

Over Watered tomato plant can be saved by usng the below tips:

  1. Improve the soil drainage. Make sure that the soil you are using is well-aerated and has good drainage – use a border of coarse sand or perlite if needed.
  2. Reduce your watering frequency and only water when the soil at the top inch of soil is dry. Be sure to water deeply, but not too often. Invest in moisture meters to help you gauge when the plants need more water or less.
  3. If your tomato plant has wilted due to overwatering, you can revive it by moving it into a nice sunny spot and allowing the soil to completely dry out. You may also need to trim off all wilted leaves and stems, as they will not recover.
  4. Monitor your plants closely and use moisture meters or regular inspection of the soil to determine when it needs water and how much.

Is it better to over or under water tomatoes?

When it comes to watering tomatoes, the key is to strike a balance between over and under-watering.

Tomatoes need regular water but too much can cause root rot, while not enough water can lead to stunted growth or blossom end rot.

In general, tomatoes need 1-2 inches of water per week, either from rainfall or manual watering.

If you are manually watering your tomatoes, it’s best to water them deeply but infrequently, rather than shallow and often.

To be sure that the soil has been sufficiently moistened, check the moisture level by sticking your finger into the ground about two inches deep.

Can tomato plants recover from too much water?

Yes, you can recover tomato plants can from too much water but it is important to reduce the amount of water and make sure that the soil has drainage so that excess water can leave.

If the tomato plant is wilting due to overwatering, it can be brought back by reducing the frequency or amount of watering. Adding fresh compost or mulch around the plant can also help improve drainage and aerate the soil.

Additionally, if possible, move the tomato plants to an area with more sunlight as this will help them to quickly recover from the effects of too much water.

What does overwatered tomato plants look like?

As overwatering continues, leaves may drop and turn yellow or develop blisters. Eventually, the leaves could fall off entirely! To differentiate between an overwatered versus underwatered plant in extreme cases, inspect tomato plant roots for signs of rotting.

Should you water tomato plants in pots every day?

It is not ideal to water tomato plants in pots every day. Overwatering can cause the plant’s roots to rot and lead to disease.

Instead, check the soil moisture with a finger test or by using a soil meter tool before watering. When the surface of the soil is dry, it’s time to water your tomato plant.

How Long Do Tomato Plants Live?

Are you wondering about the tomato plants lifespan? Tomato plants are grown annually; the lifespan of tomato plants depends on whether they are grown outdoors or indoors. 

So, How long can a tomato plant live? When planted outdoors, a tomato plant will usually survive for up to 6-8 months. However, when given the perfect conditions indoors or in controlled greenhouses, that same tomato can grow and thrive for a much longer period – between 2-5 years! Furthermore, if cuttings from those plants are taken and cultivated with care, their life expectancy could be nearly limitless.

Tomato plants are capable to bear fruit each season of their life, so that you can harvest tomatoes every year. (check out this article if your tomato plant is not setting fruit.)

Why Do Tomato Plants Die Each Year?

dieing tomato plant

Tomato plants can only survive in warm weather conditions. Thus they are called non-hardy perennial plants and often die in winter. They can survive at least 10 degrees Celsius if taken care of properly. Tomatoes grown in southern California fight to survive in winter due to cold weather. 

Most tomato plants become inefficient at producing fruits after their first fruit production. After six months of harvesting, your tomato plants start to die if they do not get warm.

At the same time, if you provide favorable conditions, they survive and are set to produce fruit in the next season too.

Tomato Plant LifeSpan

lifespan of tomato plant

Many factors affect the tomato plant’s lifespan, like the growing location, weather conditions, and the type of sunlight they are exposed to. 

How you take care of your tomato plants during the four stages of their life cycle, from their seedling to the fruiting stage, also affects their plant life.

Tomato Plant Life Cycle

There are a total of 4 stages in the tomato plant life cycle. Let’s know all the stages in brief.

Stage 1 – Seedling stage: 

In this stage, seeds are prepared for their germination indoors, and you should initiate the process before 6-8 weeks of frost ends. This process is done indoors because warm soil is best for seed germination. 

After 6-8 weeks of seedling, the plants grow up to 6-10 inches with purple leaves, which look like a “T” shape, and are set to grow outdoors in the ground without fearing frost. 

Stage 2 leaf development: 

After planting the tomato plants in the ground, they grow gradually and almost double in size every two weeks. 

During this stage, before growing stem and flower buds, leaves, and roots of the plants are developed.

Stage 3 Flowering

Small yellow flowers are seen in tomato plants during the end of spring or the start of summer. There are high chances of bad pollination and fall of blossomed flowers due to excessive heat. 

Stage 4 Fruit Development: 

After flowering, plant enters to fruit bearing stage where young tomato fruits are set on the plant and look like small green peas. 

The fruits remain green for 45-50 days and start changing their color to red, pink, or orange, depending on the variety. The complete ripening process takes up to 70-80 days.

How Long Do determinate tomato plants live?

Determinate tomato plants typically have a relatively short life span of only one growing season, usually lasting two to three months.

While a determinate tomato plant does not continue producing fruit after this period, the foliage may keep growing for another month or so before dying back.

How long do indeterminate tomato plants live?

Most indeterminate tomato plants have a productive life span of about three to five years, depending on the variety and growing conditions. The plant may continue to produce tomatoes for many more years, but its production and quality will diminish over time.

Regular pruning is important to keep the older indeterminate tomato plant healthy and productive as they age. To maximize yields, consider replacing your indeterminate tomatoes plant every few years.

Can You Keep a Tomato Plant Alive All Year?

We generally say that nothing is impossible in this universe, and the same formula is set here also. If you put in a little extra effort, you can keep your lovely tomato plants alive year after year. 

You can do so by following the below points to get fruitful results.

  • As the tomato plants grow in warm conditions, always try to arrange for warmer conditions in winter for their survival and healthy life.
  • Opt to grow your tomato plants in a greenhouse and indoors.
  • Using a tarp during winter is an excellent option to protect your tomato plants in winter; you can also overcome frost danger.
  • Using seedling heat mats to warm the soil is also low-cost and an excellent option to save your tomato plants during winter.

All the above measures enhance your tomato plants’ longevity and ensure their healthy growth.

How To Keep a Tomato Plant Alive for Years?

Tomatoes are very sensitive to cold and frost. It is crucial to arrange them in a warm environment to ensure their long life. It is an added advantage if you live in tropical climates. 

Grow your tomato plants indoors to help them stay healthy during winter. Choose an area to keep your tomato plants indoors where your plant can get enough sunlight. This protects your plants from cold and provides extra heat, which keeps your plant healthy and provides long life.

For extreme cold conditions, tomatoes should be grown in a heated greenhouse. Though it is expensive, it can only save your plant in extremely cold situations and increase your plant’s life even when the weather is freezing. This way, you can keep your plants alive and healthy for years even if you don’t live in a tropical climate.

Do Tomato Plants Live More than One Year?

Tomatoes grown in tropical conditions have more than one year of life. American winters are too cold for the tomatoes to survive. The following points should be noted while growing tomatoes in your backyard or kitchen garden.

  • Tomatoes are very delicate plants and need extra care.
  • Arrange a warm environment during winter, as tomatoes cannot bear cold climates.
  • Tomatoes should be grown indoors in warm conditions to increase their life by more than eight months. Outdoors-grown tomatoes can only survive up to 8 months.
  • With the best possible care of tomatoes, you can stretch their maximum life to up to 5 years. 
  • Tomatoes should be grown in a heated greenhouse during winter.
  • You can use a heat mat to keep the soil warm for faster tomato seeds’ germination.

How Long Can a Tomato Plant Live in a Greenhouse?

In a greenhouse, you can maintain various factors responsible for plants’ growth and long life. Climate can be easily controlled in a greenhouse. 

By managing both temperature and humidity levels, tomato plants can live healthy for up to 3-5 years. Controlled climatic conditions also help the plants absorb adequate nutrients and water from the soil. 

What Factors Trigger Tomato Plant Death

If you cannot provide the ideal growing conditions for tomato plants, you cannot save them from dying.

The death of your tomato plants can be caused by a range of environmental factors that are easily avoidable, including too-cold temperatures, over-watering, and under-watering, excessive use of fertilizers or pesticides, and incorrect soil moisture levels. Taking the proper precautions will ensure your tomatoes have all they need to thrive.

Use of Bad soil quality with less nutrients can lead to calcium deficiency in your tomato plants, making them inefficient to produce less tomatoes, and their life is compromised with deadly diseases.

At the same time, using a rich soil mix promotes the life and growth of your tomato plants.

As per the founder of Gardening Know How Heather Rhoades, “soil should neither be cracked and dry nor too soggy, and tomato plants should get at least 5 hours of exposure to sunlight. 

How To Extend Your Tomato Plant’s Life?

How To Extend Your Tomato Plant's Life

You can easily extend your tomato plant life if you are successful enough to provide ideal growing environments. 

Provide Ideal Growing Environment

Even during germination, the ideal temperature for tomatoes is 21-26 degrees Celsius. The seeds germinate within 5-7 days at this ideal temperature, which helps strengthen the plants’ leaves and stems during the development stage.

While planting the germinated seeds, using soil with a 6.2-6.8 pH range, a minimum of 6-8 hours of exposure to sunlight, proper watering, and good fertilizer with less nitrogen promote healthy growth and long life of the plants.

Use the Plant Companion Method For Healthy Growth

The plant companion method is best used for pest control in a healthy way, and soil quality is also improved with this method’s help. 

Below are the best plants you can grow with tomato plants to ensure their health and long life.

Thyme: It prevents the egg production of worms and enhances the soil quality.

Basil: It acts as scent therapy and prevents tomato hornworms.

Fennel: Acts as a boon to creating more healthy tomato plants.

Cucumbers: Act as a natural weed controller.

Sweet potatoes: Control the spread of the virus and fungus, especially during the rainy season.

Harvest Your Tomatoes Before Ripening Begins

Tomatoes do not need nutrients to ripen the fruit; at this point, they stop absorbing nutrients. So it is best to pluck the tomatoes when they are half green and half pink. It will keep the tomatoes from compromising their quality. 

Fertilize Routinely

The use of tomato-friendly fertilizer promotes the growth and life of tomato plants. 

A fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium with a ratio of 18:18:21 is best for tomatoes. You can use Miracle-Gro for the best result.

The appropriate use of fertilizer for tomato plants is once every 2 weeks. It should be used in the 3rd stage, i.e., flowering and fruit-bearing. Please remember that excessive use of fertilizers can reduce the life of your tomato plants. 

Identify & Treat Pest & Disease Issues ASAP

Always keep an eye on your plants to detect any pest or disease like fungus and act proactively to take proper action against it. 

It would be best to water your plants in the soil, not foliage, constantly. Keep cutting the leaves if your tomato plants grow more than 3 feet. Timely use of good fertilizers can also resolve the issue.

Healthy Cuttings and Rooting

You can always opt for healthy cutting and rooting of your existing tomato plants in new beautiful containers and can get new tomato plants for free. 

After May and June, most of the time, tomatoes need cutting after their first slot of tomato production. This is needed to increase the growth of the plant. 

Instead of disposing of those cuttings, they can be rooted to grow more new plants, and in return, you are rewarded with more tomatoes. 

Protect them from chilly weather by Bringing them Indoors 

Protect tomato plant from chilly weather by Bringing them Indoors

Act proactively to bring your tomato plants inside at the end of summer or before the start of frost. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and try to identify the frost. Take out your plants from the ground, replant them in a pot and bring them indoors if you want them to grow for next season too. 

The use of a greenhouse at this stage is best suited as an ideal temperature of 21 to 26 degrees; you can easily maintain the required temperature. 

When Should I Bring My Tomato Plants Inside?

As tomatoes cannot cope with cold weather, it is best to bring the tomato plants indoors at the end of summer or at the start of frost to protect them from cold.

As the temperatures continuously fall below 26 degrees Celsius, bring them inside for their long life. 


Have patience while growing tomatoes in winter, as it is a delicate plant and needs so much care for their long and healthy life. If proper care and the right temperature are arranged, your tomato plant can survive even during winter.

How To Germinate Tomato Seeds Faster?

If you grow your tomatoes in a favourable environment, they definitely grow faster. They should be grown in good quality soil with good amounts of nutrients and calcium, in the temperature range of 21 – 26 degree celsius and watered properly; nothing can beat them to grow faster.

They should be watered twice daily with a spray bottle, reducing the chance of over-watering your tomato seeds.

You can use artificial lighting to warm your growing seeds if placed indoors.

Tomato seeds cannot survive in cold environments and get damaged easily. We can always use the paper towel method for faster sprouting of tomato seeds. 

7 Tips To Germinate Tomato Seeds Faster

7 ways to germinate tomato faster

We can always opt for the tips and tricks below to ensure the proper growth of tomato seeds:

  • To keep your seeds moist, always use a spray bottle to water them. Due to this technique, the chances of overwatering are reduced.
  • Choose the right time for seeding your tomatoes. Please wait for the frost to be over and plant them after 6 weeks.
  • Make your homemade soil mix with Peat moss, fresh manure and decayed organic material.
  • Arrange a warm environment for your tomato seeds by placing a seedling heat mat on the seed trays.
  • Set a bright light for the seeds to sprout fast. 

Choose the Right Time

Planting your tomato seeds at the right time is really very important. Always opt to plant them before 6 weeks from frost.

The tomato seeds cannot cope with the cold climate and can germinate in warmth only. You should germinate them in house, and it normally takes 5-7 days to germinate. 

Always choose a warm location to place the seeds for germination, which would support them to survive in cold weather outside when planted. 

Make a Rich Soil Mix

Soil is very important for plant growth, and tomato plants are no exception. If you prepare the rich soil mix at your home, it would be an added advantage for tomato plants.

You can mix peat moss, fresh manure and decayed organic material together to get the rich soil mix.

With this soil mix, your plant gets enough nutrients needed for its growth and development. It is homemade and won’t harm the tomato plant if used properly.

Place a Heat Mat Beneath Seedling Trays

Keeping your tomato seeds in a warm condition can help them to germinate fast. Using a heat mat beneath seedling trays helps maintain the ideal temperature and keeps warm. 

If the seeds are planted at 21-26 degrees Celsius, they will germinate within 5-7 days, and at 10 degrees Celsius, it takes 40 days to germinate. They cannot grow below 10 degrees celsius, and the seeds can even decompose in a cold climate. 

Use a Spray Bottle to Moisten the Soil

Use a spray bottle to moisten the soil

Always use a spray bottle to water your seeds. Try to spray water twice a day.This would help the soil maintain adequate moisture and won’t let it become soggy. 

If the soil dries out, the seed’s germination is hampered, resulting in root decomposition. Always avoid overwatering your seeds, as it can also lead to root rot. 

Pot On in Stages

“Pot on in stages” means repotting your plants in bigger seedling containers. Once you see tomato leaves appearing, you should repot them in a bigger container. 

After repotting your plant for the first time, 2 leaves appear, which look like a “T” shape and are also called true leaves. 

After this stage, it is good to re-pot your plant once again after 3 weeks in a bigger container than the previous one providing your plant with enough space to grow. 

Set Up Bright Lights

grow lights for tomato plant

You can use artificial or LED lights (Grow lights) over the seedling tray. You should keep it 60 CM above the seedling tray, which helps to grow strong stems without getting too leggy. 

Always remember the seeds have nothing to do with darkness or light. But you should use artificial lights when the seedling starts sprouting. 

Gradually expose your indoor-grown tomato seedlings to increased sun and wind

After growing your tomato seedlings indoors, do not rush to expose them directly to the outer environment. They may not be able to bear the increased sun and wind. 

A transparent storage bin without leads can be used for hardening off your chambers and allowing the plant to prepare to adjust to the outer environment. 

In this way, if your plants are exposed to sun and wind, they do not fall into a stressed situation and grow healthy, which rewards you with fresh and juicy tomatoes soon after their growth. (Check our blog on how much sunlight do tomato plants need.)

Why Are Your Tomato Seeds Growing Slowly?

Why Are Your Tomato Seeds Growing Slowly

It is a well-known fact that tomato seeds cannot grow faster in cold conditions. The ideal temperature for their seeds to sprout is 21-26 degrees. 

If we take proper measures to provide them with an ideal temperature, 5-7 days are enough for germination.

However, if the soil is not moist, the seeds do not sprout, and they can even die. Moisture in the soil helps the seeds to break the hard surface and sprout easily. 

Always ensure to keep your soil moist up to 2.5 to 5 CM deep for faster germination of your tomato seeds. 

Can You Germinate Tomato Seeds in a Paper Towel?

If you have tried every possible trick to germinate your tomato seeds and yet it’s not sprouting, you should opt for the paper towel method to germinate your seeds. 

For this process, you need fresh tomato seeds or seeds less than 3 years old and a paper towel. 

  1. Fold the paper towel and gently spread all the seeds on the towel on one half of it.
  2. Put some water on it to keep the seeds moist, and fold the towel from its dry half. 
  3. Press it gently from your hands and put folded paper towel in a zip-top bag. It would germinate within 5-7 days of doing the process. 
  4. Keep checking the seeds every day to ensure that they are moist. Spray some water if not moist. For better results, you can keep the seeds below your kitchen sink.

After germination, you can plant it in soil, and you would be surprised to see the grown tomato plants. 

How Long Do Tomato Seeds Take To Germinate in Paper Towel?

Can You Germinate Tomato Seeds in a Paper Towel

Tomato seeds can take anywhere from 3 to 10 days to germinate in paper towel.

  1. Moisten the paper towel until it is damp but not dripping wet.
  2. Place the tomato seed on top of the paper towel and fold it over so that the seed is covered.
  3. Place the folded paper towel in a sealable plastic bag. The bag will help to keep the paper towel moist and warm, which is essential for germination.
  4. Place the plastic bag in a warm location, such as near a window or on top of a radiator.

Check the paper towel regularly to make sure it stays damp and watch for signs of growth.

Is it Better To Germinate Seeds in Soil or Paper Towel?

Tomato Seed Germination depends on a variety of factors, such as the type of seed and the desired outcome.

Generally, soil is recommended for long-term germination and growth, while paper towels are better suited for short-term sprouting.

When using paper towels, it’s important to keep them moist by misting them periodically.

When you grow tomato plants in soil, you can use a light and airy mix that allows for good drainage and aeration of the roots.

If using soil, it’s important to prepare it properly before planting your seeds. This includes adding nutrients, tilling the surface to ensure proper drainage, and providing adequate levels of moisture so that the seeds can germinate and thrive.

If you’re looking for a quicker and more convenient method, paper towels may be your best option.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the success of your germination will depend largely on providing the seed with the right environment and level of moisture.

How do You Make your Seeds Germinate Faster?

You can speed up tomato seeds germination if planted in fertile soil rich in nutrients and kept at an ideal temperature ranging between 21-26 degrees Celsius.

It is very important to protect your seeds from frost. The soil must be kept moist for germination, so water them twice daily. This will help tomato seeds germinate within 5-7 days. 

You can also opt for paper towels method to speed up the germination process. 

What do Tomato Seedlings Look Like?

Tomato seedlings look wiggly green or white in color. They are green in color due to chlorophyll content, which helps photosynthesis even in the absence of sunlight. They have needle-like steam that has just emerged from the seeds. 

After seeds sprout, the tomato seedling look in a “T” shape; 2 small leaves come from the seeding together and are oval and long in shape. These tiny tomato leaves are called “true Leaves”. 


If you can plant tomato seeds with proper moisture and warmth and protect them from frost, they germinate faster without interruption. After the plantation of the germinated seeds, you are rewarded with healthy and developed tomato plants, which give you juicy, red and tasty fruits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you soak tomato seeds before planting?

Soaking the tomato seeds helps to soften the hard seed coat which can speed up germination. It also helps to remove any bacteria or fungi that may be present on the seed, as well as providing a good environment for the seeds to start growing.

Does soaking seeds help germinating tomato seeds?

Soaking wet the seeds before planting will give them a head start and make it easier for them to absorb enough water to sprout. The seeds should be soaked in warm water for at least 24 hours prior to planting tomato seeds. This helps tomato seeds germinate faster by removing any substances on the seed that may inhibit the process. It can also help remove any air pockets that could prevent complete water absorption by the seed.

How Deep Do Tomato Roots Grow?

We all know how important roots are for plants, and a plant’s life mostly depends on roots. The plants get their food from the roots, and the same theory goes for tomato plants too. 

In short, the taproot of a tomato plant can extend into the soil as deep as three feet, making its presence known in search of hydration and nourishment. Such an extended root system is often observed when it strives to reach abundant essential nutrients for healthy and robust growth.

While planting, most of us focus on steam rather than the root of the plants. But the main factor for good health and growth is how strong tomato plant’s root system is. The deeper the root is, the healthier the plant. 

But the roots of different plants grow up to a certain limit. In the case of tomatoes, roots grow a maximum of up to 2 to 3 feet. 

This article will guide you through the important factors that affect tomato plant’s roots and how deep they grow.

Factors Affecting Tomato Root Depth

Factors Affecting Tomato Root Depth

The growth of tomato roots depends on various factors, such as:

  1. Variety of Tomato Plant
  2. Container Depth
  3. Structure of Soil
  4. Quality of Soil
  5. Technique Used in Planting

Let’s learn about these factors one by one and how to make a perfect environment for deep roots in tomato plants.

Variety of Tomato Plants: 

Mainly there are two different types of tomatoes, determinate and indeterminate. 

Determinate tomatoes grow only up to a certain size and ripe in a very short time span. When plants grow their first lot of fruits, they won’t produce new fruits. Determinate plants grow only to a certain extent, while indeterminate tomatoes keep growing during their growing season. 

As indeterminate plants grow, they want their taproots to grow deep inside the soil. If the other conditions are favourable for the tomatoes, the root of indeterminate grows deeper than determinate tomatoes. 

Container Depth: 

Potted tomato roots’ growth depends on the depth of the container in which they are planted, as the taproots can grow maximum till the bottom of the container. 

When taproots reach the bottom of the container, they cannot tunnel into the soil. The tap roots are naturally made in such a way that they start growing in a circle in the planted pots, even if they do not get any nutrients or hydration with this process. 

Thus we can say that the growth of potted tomato seeds is limited to the depth of the container only. 

In the case of a raised bed, when the tap root of tomato plants reaches the bottom, the roots break through its boundaries in search of nutrients and hydration. It happens when the soil quality below the raised bed is excellent. 

Soil Structure

As tomato roots are flexible, they can grow in closed-packed and fissured areas. The chances of root development in these areas are very low. 

If the roots start growing in such a situation, they will continue to grow like the roots in potted tomato plants.

Quality of Soil: 

type of soil

Soil is the main source of nutrients and hydration for any plant, and tomato plants are no exception. Water and nutrients are passed through the roots to plants for their growth and survival. 

For this process, roots need to be planted in excellent-quality soil. The roots don’t need to spread too much to gain nutrients and water for plant growth if already planted in fertile soil. 

The roots can also grow in poor soil quality but probably would not get sufficient nutrients and hydration to support plant growth. 

If tomatoes are grown in extremely fertile soil, their roots start growing densely, and their energy is used to develop secondary roots, which compromises the development of the taproot itself. 

When roots are firmly embedded in healthy soil, the growth of a taproot is significantly hindered due to extra energy being spent on secondary root development. As a result, the overall depth of the root system is substantially reduced by the end of harvest season.

Discover the various nutrients your tomato plant needs to grow and thrive by reading my comprehensive guide on fertilizing tomatoes.

You should also read our another blog on sunlight requirements for tomato plants.

Technique Used in Planting: 

technique for tomato planting

Very rare plants grow their roots from stems, and tomato plants are one of them. Utilizing the cutting technique for tomato plants involves deeply ingrowing their stems into the soil and removing up to 60-65% of their lower stem leaves.

With this process, plants do not need any support to grow, which is an added advantage for the cultivator. 

In this way, roots start developing from the stem and become capable of delivering adequate nutrients and water to the plant. 

Do Tomatoes Have Shallow Roots?

Tomato roots possess both types of roots, i.e., tap and lateral. When tomatoes are grown from seeds, tap roots are developed, growing deep up to 60 Centimetre. 

When branches from taproot come out, they are known as lateral roots, which grow only up to 30 centimetres. Thus we can say that tomatoes have both shallow and deep roots. 

Tomatoes also develop fibrous roots, which come from their stem. This root develops when you grow tomato plants from cutting. They supply a sufficient amount of nutrients and water to the plant. But when tomatoes are grown from cutting, taproots are traded off and are not developed. 

Do Tomato Roots Grow Wide or Deep?

It depends on the type of tomato root, whether it would be wide or deep. Only the fibrous root is different. 

When you grow tomatoes from a cutting, fibrous roots are developed, which grow shallow till the plant’s life. When tomatoes are grown from seeds, roots grow wide and deep. 

Lateral roots, which are tap roots’ developed stems, grow shallow fibrous root systems. Lateral roots can grow up to 30 centimetres. 

When taproots are watered properly, the roots grow densely and up to 60 centimetres. Its growth can be enhanced If watered deeply twice a week. 

How Far Do Tomato Roots Spread?

tomato plant roots
International Joint Comission Research

Tomatoes grown from both cutting and seeds and spread their roots about 60 centimetres wide. Lateral roots spread about 30 centimetres wide.

While tomato plantation, airflow should never be neglected. There should be a space of around 60 centimetres between the plants for proper airflow. 

  • Whether you’re growing a determinate or indeterminate tomato species, the plants roots systems will span up to two feet in width.
  • The roots of the plant, or its main root, extend about 12 inches in either direction. This provides a sturdy base for growth and stability.
  • To achieve the best airflow, You should plant tomatoes 24 inches (60 cm) apart.
  • Your tomato plants’ root systems will extend into the top 12 inches (30 cm) of soil.
  • Be gentle when digging around your tomatoes, so you don’t disrupt their delicate roots.

When planting tomatoes, remember that their roots extend 12 inches (30 cm) deep below the surface. Thus, it is essential to be cautious while digging around your plants; use a tiny trowel and carefully observe for any exposed roots – promptly replace them with soil if you discover any.

Special care should be taken while digging around the tomato plants and if roots are uncovered, immediately cover them with soil. 

The Structure of Tomato Roots (Tap Root vs. Fibrous Root Systems)

Tomato plants have two kinds of root systems, tap roots and fibrous roots.

Tap root systems are characterized by a single large root that branches out into many smaller lateral roots. This type of root system efficiently absorbs moisture and nutrients from the soil. 

Fibrous root systems comprise many thin, branching roots that spread out from the plant in all directions. This type of root system is better at anchoring the plant securely in the soil and absorbing oxygen from the environment.

The structure of each tomato root system varies depending on various factors such as variety, climate, soil conditions, and availability of nutrients. 

Generally, determinate varieties have a tap root system, while indeterminate varieties have a fibrous root system. 

 When you are growing tomatoes in sandy soil, they are more likely to develop taproot system, and those grown in heavier soils may develop both types of roots.

No matter the type of root system, both are important for absorbing moisture and nutrients from the soil to keep your tomato plants healthy and productive. 

As a result, you should use proper watering and fertilizing practices to ensure tomato plants have access to all the necessary nutrients for growth. With adequate nutrient availability and good soil conditions, tomato plants can thrive regardless of the type of root system they develop.

Can Tomatoes Grow in Shallow Soil?

For the cultivation of tomato plants, preferably, the soil should be at least 60 centimetres shallow and 30 centimetres deep. If you cannot arrange deeper soil, opt for growing the plant by cutting. This would only help the plant make up for root growth space. 

For proper growth and health of the tomato plants, you should arrange excellent quality soil and proper watering. 

How Deep Should a Planter Be for Tomatoes?

The minimum depth of the tomato plant is up to 30 Cm, and the maximum depth is 60 CM. If you plan to grow your tomato plants in pots, you should opt for cherry and Grape tomato varieties as they are pot friendly and can grow healthy in pots or containers. Never forget to make a hole at the bottom of your container to ensure a good drainage system. 

Always use soil which is rich in nutrients with low nitrogen content. The use of mulch at the time of seeding is highly recommended. 

How Much Space Do Tomato Roots Need?

Tomato plants need a minimum of 30 centimetres wide and a maximum of 60 centimetres deep soil. 

For taproots, 60 centimetres deep soil is ideal, whereas lateral roots can grow in 30 centimetres deep soil. 

Cultivating healthy vegetation necessitates superior-quality soil, appropriately balanced fertilizer, and an effective watering program.

Staking your tomato plants is essential for providing adequate support and maintaining their uprightness, especially when cultivated in shallow soils.

Be extra cautious if you are planning to opt for shallow planting. It requires fertile soil, balanced airflow, sufficient watering and proper support.

How Deep Should My Tomato-Raised Bed Garden Be?

Tomato-raised beds should be at least 8 to 10 inches deep to provide enough space for the tomatoes to grow and develop. However, if you are growing taller varieties that may require more room, making the bed 12 – 15 inches deep is best. 

The soil depth should also be considered when planning your raised bed. A good rule of thumb is to ensure the soil depth is at least double the height of your tomato plants. 

For example, if you expect your tomato plants to reach six feet tall, you should have 12 inches of soil in the bed. This will ensure they have adequate room to grow and spread their roots. 

Additionally, raised beds should be wide enough to accommodate the expected size of the plant when fully grown. 

A good guide for width is 40 inches for a single row or 80 inches for multiple rows. 

Raised beds should be made with sufficient drainage material and have gently sloping sides to prevent water build-up and pooling.

What Are The Possible Problems With Deep-Rooted Tomato Plants?

problems with deep root tomato

Deep-rooted tomato plants are good, but excessively deep roots can cause various challenges to the plants. 


Tomatoes love the warmth and cannot tolerate cold environments. So they are opted to be cultivated after the frost ends. We often plant tomatoes after the upper surface of the soil is defrosted but fail to understand that the soil inside is still cold. 

Planting them deep inside may slow the growth of the plant. As a result, a slowdown in fruiting can be noticed. 

Impermeable soil: 

If tomatoes are grown in impermeable soil, the chances of water penetration are very less. As a result, the soil drainage system is disturbed, and roots remain soaked in the water. 

Due to this, a high chance of root decomposition arises. 

You can overcome this problem by giving the plant only the right amount of water.

Clayed Soil: 

One of the major factors for tomato plants’ growth is good airflow, and clayed soil is best known for this reason. 

Clayed soil can also hold water for a longer period compared to other types of soil. So we do not need to frequently water the plant if it is grown in clayed water. 

But the problem arises when the plant experiences heavy rainfall. Due to this, the already grown fruits are damaged due to sudden inflow in them.


Tomatoes have different root types, which can be grown in both shallow and deep soil. If proper measures are taken, and the above-discussed points are kept in mind, you can grow and enjoy delicious, lovely, tangy tomatoes. 

If you’re interested in understanding more and delving deeper into the research, take a look at this experiment in the soil and health library; it’s the most comprehensive assessment of tomato root growth that I’ve seen.