Can You Plant Two Tomato Plants Together?

two tomato plats in one pot

If you plan to plant two tomato plants together, it can create a spacing issue, which can invite various diseases. Both plants would struggle for the nutrients available in the soil as their roots would tangle with each other due to less space. There would be a high risk of an outbreak of diseases like blight fungus.

I will recommended to plant only one tomato in each container, and if grown in the ground, you must ensure proper space between the two plants.

Do You Have to Plant Two Tomato Plants Together?

Planting tomato plants

Generally, two plants are necessarily planted together because of pollination. But tomato plants have both female and male parts in one plant. So they can self-pollinate. Thus you can easily grow a single plant and can produce fresh tomatoes. 

The plant’s fruit production gets hampered if two tomato plants are planted close to each other as they compete for nutrients from the neighbor planted closely.

In this way, some plants grow stronger, and others are forced to compromise for their growth and strength.

It causes a high risk of growing fungus and white spots on leaves, attracting hazardous insects, and your plants may remain underdeveloped also. 

Spacing is one of the major constraints while planting tomatoes. As roots need proper nutrients and moisture to grow, also roots can be entangled while planting two tomato plants.

Tomato plants need a lot of water but having more plants in a place can lead to watering issues.

Underwatering can increase problems such as limp steam, discoloration, and more. Due to multiple problems, planting one tomato plant in a pot or keeping a distance of 12-15 diameter is advisable.

How Far Apart Should Tomatoes Be Planted?

How Far Apart Should Tomatoes Be Planted

Spacing while growing tomato plants depends on the plant type and place of cultivation. One pot or container is enough to grow one tomato plant.

But when it comes to growing in raised beds, it needs a proper distance of 12 -24 inches, depending on the plant type.

Not maintaining an ideal distance between the plants can invite numerous diseases and lead to your plant’s underdevelopment. 

Tomato Spacing by Plant Type

Ideally, you should plant each tomato plant at a distance of 18-24 inches. But it totally depends on the type of tomato plant you are growing.

You can identify the tomato plant type on the label of the seed packet also. Tomatoes have two varieties, Determinant and Indeterminate tomatoes. 

Determinate Tomatoes: The ideal distance for this tomato variety is 18-24 inches as they are bush plants. They can grow up to a height of 3-4 feet and stop growing beyond this. The compact or dwarf tomatoes can be grown at a distance of 12 inches without risk of underdevelopment. 

Indeterminate Tomatoes: These are vining tomatoes and continue to grow or are either pruned or killed by the frost.

It grows taller than determinate tomato plants and grows more upward than outward. Ideally, you should maintain a minimum 18 inches distance between the two plants to maintain their healthy growth.

How Far Apart Should Tomato Plants Be in Your Garden?

How Far Apart Should Tomato Plants Be in Your Garden

If you are planting your tomato plants in a garden, there won’t be any shortage of space. So maintain proper spacing between the plants depending on their types. 

As discussed above, there are Determinate plants and indeterminate plants. 

  • Determinate tomato plants are bush plants that need more spacing and should be planted at a distance of 18-24 inches (45-60 CM). They grow both outward and upward. They might compete for sunlight and moisture if the proper spacing is not maintained.
  • Indeterminate plants are vine plants, grow vertically, hence need less spacing and should be planted minimum at 18 inches (45 CM) distance. 

Always maintain some extra distance for safety between the plants for their healthy development. 

How Far Apart Should Tomato Plants Be in a Container?

If you are planting your tomatoes in a container, they need the same spacing of 18-24 inches, but it is always a safe and better option to grow one tomato plant in one container at a time.

But if you own a very big container, you can plant more than one, maintaining an ideal distance between the plants.

But never make the mistake of sharing the same hole for more than one tomato plant. This would reduce the risk of root tangles and competition between neighboring plants for nutrition, moisture, and sunlight.

How Many Tomato Plants Can You Plant in a 5-Gallon Bucket?

tomato plant in gallon container

5 Gallon Bucket is really a large container. But planting more than one tomato plant in such a container is not a good idea. 5 Gallons of soil is still best for one tomato plant.

Almost 2 Dwarf or compact varieties of tomato plants can be planted in a 5-gallon Bucket, as one dwarf variety of tomato plants needs only 2.5 Gallons of potting soil for its ideal growth. But again, there is a risk of cramps. 

To get a good harvest and healthy plant, keep the 1st container away from the 2nd tomato plant as they would compete for their necessary food with each other. 

Can You Plant More than One Tomato Plant in a Container?

Only plant the two tomato plants in a single container once, and if you really have a very big container.

Tomatoes are heavy feeder plants competing for nutrients and water during cramps attracting fungal infection. 

For heavy and quality harvest: 

  • Maintain 24 inches distance for determinate tomatoes and 18 inches for indeterminate tomatoes.
  • Dwarf or compact varieties of tomatoes can be planted at a distance of 12 inches also and need 2.5 gallons of soil.
  • Maintaining as much possible distance between the plants rewards with a good harvest.
  • Never plant tomatoes too close to each other.
  • Five gallons of soil can make one healthy tomato plant. 

Is It Possible To Grow Multiple Tomato Plants In One Pot?

Planting several tomato plants in the same pot is never a good idea. The plants would struggle for nutrients with their neighboring plants and starve each other. It would also hamper the airflow facility for the plants.

The roots of multiple plants would tangle with each other, becoming more prone to catching fungal infections and attracting pests. 

While competing for nutrients, some plants become stronger while some remain weak. Planting one tomato plant in one pot can give you a quality harvest.

Tomatoes thrive well if planted together, but you need an exceptionally big container. 


Spacing is a factor that can never be ignored while planting tomatoes. Good spacing between the plants can prevent them from suffocating, reduce the risk of underdevelopment, and be less prone to attracting fungal diseases. 

If you follow the above tips and tricks, you will definitely be rewarded with healthy, disease-free plants and juicy and tasty tomatoes.