Are Robotic Mowers Safe Around Kids And Pets?

robotic mower safe for kids and pets

Automation has become the norm in modern society. Autonomous items get invented developed, and produced at an astonishing rate, replacing “old school” home and industrial items. Robotic mowers are an example of such an item. So, are robotic mowers safe for children and pets?

Robotic mowers are safe for children and pets. They are equipped with sensors like safety and lift sensors that stops the mower from bumping into objects and obstacles. Robotic mowers, same as electric and fuel driven mowers, do not have safety risks. It is however possible to keep children and pets out of harms way when sharing space with a working robotic mower.

This article will provide you researched data on the safety features used in robotic mowers to protect children and pets, how to keep children and pets safe from working robotic mowers and compare the safety features of robotic mowers against traditional mowers.

Are Robotic Mowers Safe?

robotic mower safe for kids and pets

Mowers, fuel, electric driven or robotic all have the potential to cause great harm to children and pets if not operated correctly. Robotic mowers, however, are equipped with a lot of safety features that eliminates any possibility of injury.

Metal blades spinning around, alone is enough motivation for people to try and keep as far away from mowers as possible.

Children and pets are a whole different ball game, and their curiosity often gets the better of them, putting them in the way of unnecessary risks.

Safety Features Incorporated In Robotic Mowers

It is difficult to comprehend a mower that cuts the lawn all by itself. Surely there are great risks involved, but robotic movers come equipped with safety features to minimize, if not completely remove, the possibility of injuries to children and pets.

Collision Detecting System

Collision detecting systems, also called shock censors, which are built-in prevent the mowers of bumping into objects and obstacles.

When it detects and obstacle in its path it will change direction to avoid a collision.

Sensors That Shuts Down The Blade When Detects Objects Nearby

Another safety feature turns off the blade when it detects that object are moving to close to the robotic mower.

The same high-tech sensors that turn off the blade when objects appear to close also stops the blade if the robotic mower tumbles upside down or someone lifts it from the lawn.

Built-in Alarms

Pets are very inquisitive of things moving in their territory and will try to get close to a robotic mower for a closer look.

Higher end mowers have built-in ear-piercing alarms that sound when it detects pets or children are too close. The loud sound deters any further investigation.

Motors Designed To Not Harm Kids and Pets

Robotic Mowers comes fitted with weak motors since they only need to be strong enough to cut blades of grass.

They are however not strong enough to, for instance, shatter a rock, sending chards through the air that can injure anyone.

Low Ground Clearance

The low ground clearance of robotic mowers ensure that a child or pet will not be able to easily get their foot or toes underneath the mower lessening the risk of injury.

The blades are situated a safe distance from the edge of the mower. This feature makes touching the blades by accident very unlikely.

How To Keep Children And Pets safe from Robotic Mowers?

Even though robotic mowers have safety features incorporated in them there is always the possibility of getting hurt.

Rotating as wells as stationary blades can inflict serious injuries. Always be aware of the danger involved when working with mowers.

In this case prevention is better than cure and it is highly suggested that robotic mowers are not in operation when children or pets are using the lawn.

Another prevention method to avoid possible, but unlikely injuries, is to schedule the robotic mower to only work during specified times during the day. This way better planning is possible around playtime on the lawn.

Robotic Mower And Traditional Mower Safety Comparison

The main concern surrounding robotic mowers is their safety. Comparing the safety aspects of robotic mowers against traditional mowers showed that robotic mowers are by far safer than traditional mowers.

Today, we can see the use of robotic mowers in golf courses to cut down cost and solve labor shortage problem.

Even though there are significantly less robotic mowers in use than there are traditional mowers, statistics from 2017 showed that total visits to hospital emergency rooms due to injuries caused by robotic mowers was zero. The total for traditional mowers, a whopping eighty thousand.

Why Are Robotic Mowers Safer Than Traditional Mowers?

Following are the reasons robotic mowers are saver than traditional mowers and the secret lies in all the safety features they have built in.

Safety Sensors

Safety sensors on the robotic mower creates a three-dimensional picture of its surroundings. The mower then uses this picture to detect obstacles and then adjusts its route to avoid a collision. The mower adjusts by slowing down, change directions or stops.

Lift Sensors

Lift sensors shuts down the mower as soon as someone lifts it off the ground. This is an excellent safety feature safeguarding curios children and pets.

Soft Front Bumpers

Soft front bumpers incorporate accelerometers that further assists the mower in detecting and avoiding obstacles.

Sonar Detection

Sonar detection allows the mower to detect real world obstacles allowing for more adjustments and corrections to avoid collisions.

Blade Safety

Blade safety is the most important concern as it can cause serious injuries. The blade of a robotic mower is not as strong as those on a conventional mower.

The blade’s design allows it to stop the moment it detects a foreign object. Foreign objects in this case refers to fingers, toes, tails, paws, snouts, rocks, and stones.

Stone Troughing

Stone troughing is something of the past. Robotic mower blades do not through stones, and this protects everyone and everything near the mower.

Considering all the safety features of the robotic mower compared to the virtually non existing ones on traditional mowers it is safe to say that robotic mowers are much safer than conventional mowers.

Why Are Traditional Mowers unsafe?

Following are the reasons traditional mowers are unsafe, especially around children and pets. Traditions mowers where not designed with utmost safety in mind.

  • Traditional mowers have very few if any safety features and save operation depends on the operator.
  • Injuries caused by traditional mowers include eye injuries, brain injuries, cuts and lacerations and serious burns. These injuries are a result of flying debris flung from underneath the mower by the fast-spinning blades.
  • Ride-on mowers can overturn or even catch fire causing severe burns, broken bones or even death.

Safety should always be front and center when operating appliances such as lawn mowers being it robotic or conventional. Even with all the safety features mentioned it is possible that appliances can be faulty, so it is advisable to always treat any appliance with utmost care and caution.


After all the research done on the safety features of robotic mowers it is clear that robotic mowers are safe to use around the house even with children and pets running and playing in the yard.

Safety alone is a great reason that compels home owners to shift to robotic lawnmowers from traditional lawnmowers.
